The Death of God & the Fall of the Holy Order
Life, Death
Blasphemous Iscariot, willful traitor, foul betrayer, misbegotten defiler! I beshrew thee, judas, I beshrew thee and thy family from anon until the endeth of all days! May thy lineage and its seed forever beest did mark by thy tarnish.
Judas Iscariot, a devoted follower of the Holy Order, is seduced by the forces of Kháos. He and his 12 Apostle Presits stage a rebellion within the Heavens and impale
Hasadiah, the Second Name of God on the Almighty with the Inverted Spear of Heaven, killing her and defiling the throne of Yggdrasil.
This is the end of an era and the start of perhaps the bloodiest war ever fought in recorded history throughout the Realms. The Great War in Heaven.