Celestial / Cosmic
Níðhöggr, the First Name of God sits the Almighty in the Realm he would dub Dragonstone, a Crown World, the Pinnacle of Yggdrasil. Níðhöggr casts the immense power of ISHIN into seven metaphysical seals to rule creation. With his wife Bambír, Níðhöggr had 12 legendary sons, they were the progenitors of the Dragons of Olde; the original Dragons who resembled their grandsire. Four limbs with great majestic wings are considered the mark of a True-Born Olde Dragon. Níðhöggr created the Wyvern race of Dragons (Lesser Dragons) to serve his Order. They only bear two limbs and great wings webbed to what should be two more limbs. They are brutes and violent in nature but serve their Master well enough. Bambír created the Koi Dragon (Divine Dragons) race to guard the Seven Seals. They were massive, bore four limbs, and elongated with no wings; instead flying through some Ancient Dragon craft of conjuring celestial clouds.