Haly, the Moonlight Bard

"All libraries are living things, but the Library Inn is the most alive of them all."
— Shiv Moonsong, The Haunting of Library Inn
Hi-hi-hi! I'm Haly and I live in Indiana, in the United States. To escape from that fact, I spend my non-writing time knitting, dyeing yarn to knit, and gaming with my family (board games and RPGs and video games). I joined World Anvil in 2022 during Camp NaNo, but I didn't know anything about WA Summer Camp at the time. I didn't really start using it until I began prepping in October for NaNoWriMo.
After completing November's NaNoWriMo challenge in 29 days, it was January when I really set to work on world-building. It only became clear just how much I needed to do when I went through and read what I had written. There were a lot of [insert name] and [insert historical fact] and [insert legend based off this and that and the other] that needed to be filled in. Giant gaping plot holes and imagination-fueling details alike were missing.
All things that could only be filled in by world-building!
Author Page
Haly the Moonlight Bard
Current Member
Join Date
Jun 18, 2023
I spent a couple months getting to know the tools at hand, and getting to know the community. When April 2023 rolled around, I got a (very) late start on a submission for Adventure April. I am still working on it, releasing new pages once a week or so, but even with it being unfinished, Ondo selected it as a favorite to feature on the WA Blog's Best Of Adventure April round-up!
That is what spurred me into finding every way I can to be more involved in the community as I continue building Argentii, revising The Haunting of Library Inn to (eventually) seek publishing, and sponsoring WA challenges for my Full Moon level Patreon patrons!

Haly's Project


Argentii, the Fractured Land

The Continent of Argentii is haunted by its own lost history and ghosts both living and dead. A continent of islands, few live an entire day's travel away from the sea and no amount of magic can save a ship once the winds and waves and rocks take hold.   Secrets, mysteries, and the search for lost knowledge drive the politics and powers across the islands where two great nations struggle to embrace all: the Eastern Union, and the Western Empire.

Haly's Favorite Content from Argentii



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