Haly, the Moonlight Bard
"All libraries are living things, but the Library Inn is the most alive of them all."
Hi-hi-hi! I'm Haly and I live in Indiana, in the United States. To escape from that fact, I spend my non-writing time knitting, dyeing yarn to knit, and gaming with my family (board games and RPGs and video games). I joined World Anvil in 2022 during Camp NaNo, but I didn't know anything about WA Summer Camp at the time. I didn't really start using it until I began prepping in October for NaNoWriMo.
After completing November's NaNoWriMo challenge in 29 days, it was January when I really set to work on world-building. It only became clear just how much I needed to do when I went through and read what I had written. There were a lot of [insert name] and [insert historical fact] and [insert legend based off this and that and the other] that needed to be filled in. Giant gaping plot holes and imagination-fueling details alike were missing.
All things that could only be filled in by world-building!