
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
— Tony Soprano
  Koragath is a computer scientist and cybersecurity professional who escapes the bits and bytes of the digital world of 9-5 and escapes into wonder of sword and sorcery. Discovering World Anvil in 2023, he immediately fell in love with the notion of defining a sweeping natural law of a world with the single stroke of a pen, followed by drilling in to describe the most miniscule blade of grass; and a platform would keep all of these things in their proper places.   For as long as he can remember, Koragath’s been a builder of worlds, of characters, and stories. He has an old rolled-up artist paper protected with contact paper outlining his first fantasy continent, Elleck-Mire, from nearly thirty years ago. He has rolls of acetate paper of the same size representing overlays cataloging the changes and impacts over ages. There has always been something inside of him desiring to build fantstic worlds. Gokrenxia on World Anvil serves as a means to draw out the stories written upon his soul and find joy through creative process.
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Join Date
March 7, 2024

Koragath's Project



Eight years. Eight bloody years to shatter what took the haughty Elves a millenium to build. Their stranglehold broken, we bought the world’s freedom. Now, as competing interests collide, the grandchildren of the Great War begin to understand the cost.

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