Tomies WE Spotlight

Highlighting the work created during week one of WorldEmber 2023, and sharing our thoughts and goals!

WorldEmber has been in full swing for a week now, and words have been flying around our chapter! I wanted to share the amazing progress the Tomies have been making in just the first week of the event, and give everyone a space to share their thoughts and proudest works of the event so far!   Take a moment to poke through the work listed below — we've got content and thoughts from ten of us! You certainly won't be disappointed by what you find! And, if you have a moment to spare, join me in cheering on my chaptermates as they tackle WorldEmber head-on, some for the first time!
Signed, Strixxline



Word Count: 2322
"This is my first go at WorldEmber, and it started a little rocky.   My original plans to write a narrative-focused story had to be parked since they wouldn't have counted towards WorldEmber, so I'm going for a more standard approach, but I think its paid off; Some of the Articles I have planned out will compliment that narrative excellently, and will hopefully pay off massively when I do eventually come around to that story.   The reception I've had for SANT has been absolutely amazing!! I'm really glad that it took off the way it did. I think like 'The Chair' that came before, SANT is going to be the one I plug the most as an example of the pure absurdity of Vertinall (and to make sure everyone does their best to stay on his NICE LIST.)   I'm also personally reaaaaaally happy with The Pit, and the sneaky CSS I hid in there to hint at... Plot :eyes:"


Word Count: 4463
"I'm a notorious procrastinator, and that's shown itself in every single WorldEmber I've ever participated in, in the past. That said, you cannot even begin to fathom how thrilled I am to be nearly halfway to 10k in just the first week of the event!   I put in a lot of work and prep into making sure this year's WorldEmber isn't stressful for me, and that I'll always have ideas to fall back on, and that's really been paying off so far. Sure, I've been encountering some stress and frustration here and there, but it's not been due to a lack of ideas or a lack of motivation to create, and that's awesome.   Plus, Malkora has a primer now!! That's been a long term goal of mine, and I found a way to set mine up that made the whole process and end result so satisfying, and exciting. I've been posting it every chance I get, I'm so proud of it!"
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Mar 20, 2024

Malkora's magical lifeblood, bringing radical change to all corners of the world.

"The leylines of Malkora have been a super important subject, being the cause of the world's shifting landscapes and nature, but have lacked articles for all the years since their conception.   That changes this year! This article is still a work in progress, but it's slowly coming together!"
My Biggest Hype Point

"Malkora's first ever primer! This was my main goal to tackle during WorldEmber and I'm SO stoked with the way it's turned out so far!   The write-up is essentially finished, and this article alone accounts for one quarter of my progress on the quest to 10k!"


"Of course with the start of WorldEmber is the end of the semester at school and lots of family interactions. I haven't been able to write very much, but have made some stubs and brain dumps to sortout which articles I want to try making.   I am making progress, but it is very slow going right now. Hopefully I can gather myself and my time to create with more intention soon."


Word Count: 1694
"This is my first WE, and I honestly had hoped to kick it off with a bit more than I was able to accomplish. I still like that I am able to get into words, but was hoping for more.   I am really enjoying finally writing down and solidifying the magic system.   The biggest struggle I am running into is that I am not sure how to stucture the articles best for the reader. I know how much of a role the different elements have within events for characters in the future, but writing them out seems vague, unhelpful... and boring.   The last thing I want is for the magic system to come accross as boring. Im sure adding pictures later on will help the article format, but I want to make sure the written portion can hold its own as well."


Word Count: 1607


Word Count: 4630
"I'm trying something new this year and, with a fresh new world to explore, I've decided to start with the core articles first!   The first article for WorldEmber this year is my introduction article, and I've experimented with writing it in second person so it feels more immersive as you wander around a guild fair and have the characters tell you a bit about the world! I've also come up with a new way of using subscriber groups to create in-world collectible mementos which has been really fun :D   After creating such a polished article, I'm now focussing on wordcount and creating some WIP things to expand what I've mentioned so far. To keep the momentum going I'm also going to join in on some of the unofficial mini-challenges going around!"
Goldbrook Annual Guild Fair
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 24, 2024

An immersive introduction to the world setting and the folks who live here.

"I'm super proud of how this one turned out and I can't wait to reach my goal so I have some bonus time for adding extra pixel art :D"
Magic: "I've linked something here that I've literally just started - will you see this one as a very early draft or a full fledged article? Who knows!"

Mo the "Crow Thief": "A super short snippet based on a tiny poem I made for Spooktober!"


Word Count: 3629
"I had a blast starting out and just by doing the two articles that I have published, I am already about a third of the way for my set goal this year. That in itself is very calming, but also just good, because I went on a short weekend holiday with some friends into the snowy black forest, where I had zero internet access.   Still, a strong start and I am looking forward to hopefully getting close to done in the coming week.   I want to continue fleshing out Thræsh's Hold throughout WorldEmber and I want to start diving into the creepy/occult parts of it more once I have set up the more grounded framework."
Lord Thræsh: "This one is a doozy, partly just from the 2.5k words that it took and ran with, but also because i had a blast writing from a new POV. The last one of the letters came out of left field for me, mainly because I didnt intend for it to be like it is, but the way it turned out reinforces the themes and vibe of the world very nicely."   Common Foods in and around Moondoor: "A more grounded article, which I really wanted to do for this world. Its easy for me to get lost in the fantastical elements of a new world, but ultimately spending the effort to make the rest of the world more believable is super rewarding, because it really feels like a new place for me then."

Blue Fairy 74

Word Count: 3903
"This is only my second WorldEmber and I'm focusing on the continent of the Element of Earth - Brictaelgis. Above all, I would like to completely reinterpret the goblin species and bring them out of the shadow of the rather unpopular or barely noticed humanoids. I hope there are some Anvilities who join the Goblin fan club.   Of course, the earth element is all about living in harmony with nature and how to properly use resources without exploiting them. Nature gods, festivals, spirituality, symbolism are also included.   Additionally, there are a few great unofficial challenges I'll be taking part in and I'm hoping to show off a few more little sketches of my own this year."
by Blue Fairy 74
The brictaelgican Pantheon by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourneycollage
Âdocôdix - Goblin
Species | Jun 14, 2024
"This is just the article about the goblin species for now, but I'm very proud of it and hope the pictures (even if only AI-generated) give a good first impression of how nice they are."
Êlgista - Goddess of Earth
Character | Dec 31, 2023
"She is considered the creator of goblins and is the holiest of the seven most important nature deities."


Word Count: 1853
"This is my 1st World Ember and my 3rd event with WA.   I knew that WE was only about word count but I did not anticpate how different it would be compared to SummerCamp. I do find myself a little lost at times to figure out what to write about.   It's not that I don't have an outline of the world on a separate notes app it's just picking out what to do next, what to flush out next. This is a brand new world I am working on and just free-form is proving to be difficult.   However I am enjoying it and its a challenge and I love a challenge. So as the other weeks roll around I hope to have gotten into a good grove. Also will see how I can handle doing this and family stuff as the holidays and my anniversary come around."
"Every world needs a creation story...even if its unclear whether its true or not. The Setting is the first article I did for WE and for this new world. Hoping to have art one day for it. Aeon is the progenitor deity of the Veil."


Word Count: 848
"This is my third Worldember and the goal is as always to get some more random articles going before focusing on finally finishing (attempting to finish) my magic system.   There are numerous smaller articles that are nice to have which I want to solidify. Just have to find the time for it between university work and various art projects."
See you around!
Thanks for stopping by! Please, show some love to these fantastical worldbuilders and their work!


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Dec 11, 2023 13:56 by Chris L

What a cool idea to showcase your guild mates! Congrats on the accomplishments!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Dec 11, 2023 14:04 by Polina "Line" Arteev

Thank you! I feel like their work deserves to be shown off :D

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
Dec 11, 2023 14:03 by TJ Trewin

Amazing progress everyone!! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Dec 11, 2023 16:06 by Mochi

Some amazing articles! I love all the love you've given to your chapter <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!