Tobyn the Great Character in Shadow stepper and king -story world | World Anvil

Tobyn the Great

Tobyn the Great was famous adventurer and cartographer, who lived during Time of Unity. He was one of the first people to travel and map out the lands. His adventures have turned into legends that inspire plays of children and makes the young to dream of adventuring the lands and facing the danger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tobyn was born as unwanted child of fisher's wife. The tales vary on why was he unwanted. Some claim that the couple already had too many children, others tell that he was actually he was product of his mother's affair and rest tell that the woman was just not suited for mother or something else. After the birth his mother desperate to get rid of him packed him to broken fish trap and threw it to the sea. The drowned baby was found by the god of sea Ewyn, who took pity on the baby and decided to breath new life to him and the baby was brought pack to life he never had. The gods decided to rise the baby themselves and named him Tobyn.

As Tobyn was raised by gods he grew to be smart, capable and totally fearless, as he had gods on his side. The legends often focus on the great deeds he did later in his life, but there are also legends that tell the tales of his less glorious youth days, when he treated other people outright cruel content, before the gods decided to teach him lesson of respecting others and treating them with kindness.

It is told that after all his adventures the world started to get too small for Tobyn, and he consulted the gods to know what to do next. The gods told him about this wonderful another world beyond this world. To reach this world Tobyn must sail his boat into great maelstrom created by all the gods together and so he did. It is also controversial, if this event was the death or disappearance of Tobyn the great, as it can be seen that the world gods had told him was actually death and they just wanted to give him a worthy end or was it actually another world the gods lead Tobyn in.

Morality & Philosophy

Even though most of the legends hail Tobyn as great hero, it can be debated, if his motivations and morals were actually altruistic or was he just selfish narsissit, who only sought fame and glory.
Circumstances of Birth
He was unwanted child of fisher's wife and was drowned after birth, but reviewed by god of water Ewyn.
Circumstances of Death
Sailed to the maelstrom in attempt to reach another world that gods had told him.


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