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Situation Report Fourteen (Supplement - Plans and Yawns)

General Summary

"Alright." Cran says with an uncharacteristic note of uncertainty in his voice. "We've dug a fishing hole through the ice here and discovered a whale underneath. Cherry, can you put this key together and check out the locked room? Hopefully it will have some more clues as to the heroes in this place. Sylke and Ugnan, is there anything else in these documents or writings that provides a better clue as to how we're now involved in this mess? The final decision we need to make today is, where do we go next?"   Cran glances at the door to the portal room and continues, "We either head back to The Brine and sail back to Sel-kai to do some further investigating, or step through the mirror. What do you think?"   "Sharna, looks like we're on guard duty again."   “I was born for guard duty”, Sharna replies with a grin as she starts limbering up her wrists.   Ugnan's looks up from the sentence he had read for the fifth time and turns some bleary eyes towards Cran, "There's a lot in here lad but nothing so far." He rubs his eyes and stifles a yawn, "The mirror needs further investigation to be sure but so does some other stuff here before we go. I'd like Lyssa to check out the water logged rooms, if she's up to it. By opening the door to the mirror did that," He gestures towards the horn. "summon anything? Also, I'd like to assemble those tubes and have a look through them, twisting them a bit to see what it reveals." He rubs his beard in thought, "Also that bench by Galen's resting place, why is it there? To seat who?" He ponders some more, clearly trying to resolve some issue within, "Is this place a tomb for the fallen warriors? Was it once a place of work? Are we the warriors?" Here he falters slightly, "Is it ok for us to loot the dead if it is us who will be the heroes and need aid? Or will that anger the dead? There are still unopened sarcoph-" A large yawn forces his mouth open stopping his words, "One thing I do know though, I need a drink from that horn to see if it perks me up!"

Cherry: What am I doing here?

Cherry looks around in this crypt that talks of heroes and the world in need. “You’re no hero kid”, she says quietly to herself, “you’re a survivor, that’s more important.” She thinks back to just a few hours ago in that room where the world spun and went blank there was nothing oh so briefly as her mind shut down overwhelmed by that thing, that demon. “But you’re here kid, you’re back and you survived, but how?" Cran, Ugnan, Sharna and Sylke without them you’d be gone or worse, without them I’d have never seen the creature… but where would that have left you? A life still on the street surviving on less than nothing but what I can take. Gods, how long ago was that? Weeks days months? How life has changed so, I bet my hiding hole in Sel-Kai has already been ransacked or taken over, meh they can have it, and the rats that come with it. But what happens next, I know nothing of heroes and magics or fey portals, I know people, scared irrational people, dangerous greedy lust driven secretive. I’m good at finding their secrets, unlocking their barriers and taking their prizes to what pawn off to survive the next day or week? How heroic… What do I know of this team I fell into? Cran, the big lummox, a sweet big brother with a terrifying anger, I don’t think any of us beside Sharna could be his match if he lost all control, maybe Sylke can calm him but that’s a dangerous chance to take. Ugnan, the book smart father of the group, uncaring of how he is seen for social graces or lack thereof but he will suffer himself for our sakes, that’s a rare trait and one I can’t think of the thought behind, so foreign to me. Sylke, undisciplined for one who has such potential for power, curious at every turn, manipulative and on occasion deceitful although I detect no real malice on her part, still be wary of her for one so light in nature on the surface there could be a hidden darkness. Sharna, the stoic, so quiet I forget she’s there sometimes yet watching her in action is a sight to behold, I think this woman thinks of nothing but readiness for the next battle. Despite my screw ups, they seem to still need me, she grins, well kid we are trapped together so lets make it work and see what happens next, I have enough weight in my purse to buy a small place and live off a job or two if worst comes to worst, always have an out for yourself, so far that’s worked, until we came to this estate. So far…
Report Date
28 Sep 2018
Primary Location

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