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Situation Report Fourteen

General Summary

Editorial Note: Cran was rushed when noting inscriptions on doors. The correct inscriptions are found here.   We explore the largish crypt we're in – in an alcove looms a statue of a man with his hands covering his eyes – the arms on the statue appear to hinge down, dropping the hands from his eyes. We decide to place the four key stones from the circular entry hall (prism, sphere, irregular, cube) in the columns in the room. Yes, with a grinding of stone, the circle in the centre of the room rotates to reveal stairs going down. After much cajoling from Sylke, we agree to return here later and we next walk through some ankle-deep water to a more modern door containing reinforcement strips of some miraculously untarnished shiny metal.   Cherry investigates the lock, shaped like a gargoyle head, but finds it very difficult to pick. After four hours of Cherry's effort she finally cracks it. In the meanwhile, I manage to prise sufficient strips of what Ugnan believes is mithril to forge a couple of broadsword blades. Ugnan and Sylke have their heads in those books the whole time. Sharna stretches and then stands on guard – stock still for three hours.   Beyond the doors is a large vaulted chamber with four small stone sarcophagi in the corners. A huge stone dias raises an impressively ornate marble sarcophagi. Engraved at the base of the sarcophagi facing you, an inscription reads, "Titus, engineer and philosopher. 5890-5972." There are also two chests containing some incredibly well made tools – obviously Titus' inventor tools. Cherry loots a subset of them to help with trap building.   Opening the sarcophagus reveals a skeleton. Clutched in its left hand is a battered notebook that details the summoning, binding and banishment rituals Titus uncovered in his research. There are also sketches of automata. One of the final sketches focuses on a skull and some sort of diamond in the centre (the construct discovered in the manor we assume), with a scrawled note underneath. "Just needs power, just needs power."   Four small sarcophagi contain desiccated corpses of small children. None of the bodies show signs of violence. We're all very somber after this discovery. There's nothing sadder than corpses of kids.   A smaller wooden door off the side of Titus' burial chamber opens to reveal a small room. Cherry discovers that the roof is trapped – the trap is triggered by anyone tampering with the lock in the chest. Cherry disarms the trap, but is unable to unlock the chest. With a few hefty blows, I manage to cold-chisel the lock off. Opening the lid reveals uncut rubies, garnets, tourmalines, pearls and a lot of silver coins. We also find three silver tubes that slot together, containing coloured lenses. The tubes are etched with fine engravings of different scenes: tube one depicts forest scenes; two shows mythical creatures; three shows astronomical scenes. Are these Fey artifacts? We stow the lighter valuables and plan to return for the coin later.   All three remaining doors show signs that a large body of water is being held back by them so we decide to return to the circular entrance to the steps. We descend and run up against a massive stone door – as we descend the last couple of steps a sliver of light appears under it. An inscription in the arch reads, "Let he who is brave, make his mark." Two depressions either side of the door look invitingly hand-sized. Taking a deep breath I step up and place my hands in the depressions. I push lightly and the doors open.   Braziers spring to life as we enter to reveal a corridor with an ironwood bench on the right wall. I've never in my life seen so much opulent furnishings. Everything is exquisite and extremely valuable. We try a door opposite the bench and enter a crypt with a gold sarcophagus floating in a corrosive viscous oil. The room also contains three colourful tables, a sarcophagus standing on end, and a chest. Written above the arch is an inscription: "Galen. Gold, like water, in all dealings."   We retrieve an undamaged ivory horn from the liquid. The horn has four scenes on panels around the edge: Four men swimming across an ocean; four men feasting; four men battling a dragon; and finally, four men ascending from the earth. After rinsing out the horn I decide to pour water into the it and take a swig. I reel back as I feel suddenly fantastic: refreshed and less fatigued. I also got a sense that something in this complex is very important, and we are destined for great things. Overwhelmed, I have to sit down for a minute.   The chest in the room is unlocked and untrapped and has a plaque that reads, "Pity the Land that has no Heroes." The chest is empty except for a mirrored base. Cherry spots gold writing on the base that reads, "Unhappy a Land that Needs Heroes". As she continues to look at her reflection she sees herself age. The effect occurs for all of us.   We continue on and step into a spectacular circular room, over a threshold with an immaculate stone tile carved with a skull. In the room there is a huge round table with a multi coloured mosaic. Sylke finds a fine script around the table, which reads:   "Heroes sleep. The Horn summons. The land rejoices. The Sleepers wake."   On the doors around the room are five plaques.   Malthus the Mighty Patience Mother of a Dynasty, First of the Seers Verisimilitude, Truth was Paramount Althaeus, His Oath is Adamant Reave the Just, Defender of those Beset. He was the Mightiest. Behind the door for Reave the Just is a room with two statue guardians. Beside the sarcophagus are two racks holding a large battle axe and a suit of chain mail. Tribute or tomb?   The room of Althaeus, His Oath is Adamant contains a sarcophagus and nothing else.   The room of Verisimilitude, Truth was Paramount contains a plain sarcophagus.   The room of Patience Mother of a Dynasty, First of the Seers contains a sarcophagus on a pentangle.   The room of Malthus the Mighty contains a sarcophagus containing a picture of a lance.   The room at the end of the hall contains a curved indentation that matches the profile of the horn. The horn fits and opens a door to reveal a coldly-beautiful statue of a tall woman holding another portal mirror, which is similar to the one we found in the crawl space in the Old Sword.   The final locked door is secured with a fiendishly complex rotating lock. Cherry also discovers a trap linked to it that spreads a web of mithril threads throughout the floor of this incredible vault.   Fortunately before proceeding we decide to conduct a careful search of the 'Galen' crypt and find three pieces of a key, previously overlooked on the tables. It has to fit doesn't it?
Report Date
21 Sep 2018
Primary Location

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