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Situation Report Seventeen

General Summary

Ugnan performed miracles on my torn body. The stitching and forced-healing itch like a bastard, but I'm not leaking any more. The rest of the team, and the skeleton crew remaining alive, eye me warily as we attend to a myriad of tasks to secure The Wind Sprinter. Pissed-off at their glances, I row over to check on Captain Elayne.   After a couple of hours aboard The Brine checking on how her crew are faring, and discussing how I may go about learning the basics of sailing, we agree that our team has earned the right of salvage of the pirate's ship. I also agreed to burn any narcotics aboard to prevent them reaching Sel-kai and confirm we intend to retrieve some valuables from shore before departing in a day. I make eye contact with Sarissa as I depart and we both offer a faint smile. "You could do worse Cran, you could do a lot worse", I muse to myself as I row back across to our new ship.   Ugnan helps me aboard with a smile, and he looks exhausted. Sylke seems to be holding her own in a game of dice, and Cherry and Sharna seem to have found a wonderful ships-cook aboard, Wilclef, together with his loyal ship's boy Taavi.   The next day sees Cherry and I retrieving some valuables from the Orgillion Estate using a couple of wagons rented from the old peddler Gosern in Bajorkham. Despite the cold, an inevitable run-in with Sherif Dirn and the boring work loading cargo, I'm surprisingly energized when I finally get back aboard The Wind Sprinter.   It feels like Spring is around the corner.
Report Date
13 Nov 2018
Primary Location

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