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Situation Report Thirteen (supplement - living with the fear)

General Summary

Cran scratches his cheek with grubby fingernails. "Looks like we've got a problem. This place looks like it's dangerous. At least the danger is limited to traps and not any more of the unlife."   In the dim shadows that the lantern/torch casts upon the walls, Sylke nods unseen. “Luckily, we have a Cherry with her keen talents for sniffing out such baleful barriers to continuing forward.” She presses a gloved finger along a wall, absentmindedly curling her lip at the mildewed dankness that cakes the digit. “That said, we’ve seen nothing but evil made flesh and bone raised up and…”, she grows a touch more quiet, “other things.” She shivers at the last word but the lack of light hides the involuntary movement. “Be sure to keep your wyrd-crafted ancestral axe at the ready, mad one. I fear it will be chopping its fill as we disturb this crypt’s depths further.”   Cran glances over at Sylke and a broad grin splits his face. "You worry too much Sylke. My dad used to say that worry chills the bones worse than a northern blizzard. We'll be fine." As Cran turns away and peers into the gloomy passage ahead he mutters, "Well, we will as long as we have light."   Looking tired, Ugnan places the lantern carefully on the floor then leans against a wall. Rubbing the back of his neck as he rolls his head around, he takes stock of his surroundings. He snorts a short laugh and mutters to the darkness, "You know, if you had told me six months ago that I'd be robbing warehouses, dodging monstrosities in long abandoned mad houses, fighting the dead in mansions belonging to merchant princes and now," he makes a sweeping gesture with a grime encrusted hand, "exploring a tomb probably filled with traps and ghosts, well, I'd have called you a crazed loon! Yet, here I am." He shakes his head with a wry smile as he bends to pick up the lantern again.   Cran eyes Ugnan's herb pouch as he rises from his haunches and responds to the healer. "The old man used to say that if you've got a job to do, it's better to get on with it than live with the fear of it. Let's move on."   Cherry looks at Cran with narrow eyes and says, "your old man used to say a lot of things you remember, I bet he said them while wailing at you with a big stick didn't he?"   Cran grins, but the smile doesn't touch his eyes. "I deserved a walloping most days – I had a bit of a temper when I was young."
Report Date
21 Sep 2018
Primary Location

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