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The Cultists Of Sel-kai: Part Eight

General Summary

With the Blood Demon defeated, Cherry decides to investigate the blood filled pool that the demon was bound to. To the surprise of her companions, the young thief hops over the pool's wall and is soon calf-deep in thick viscous fluid. Clearly unnatural, blood would have coagulated by now, the "blood" clings to Cherry's clothing. Undaunted, she searches the floor of the pool and finds an enchanted ring still attached to the hand of an unfortunate victim of the demon's great dual-headed scythe. Reluctant to leave the pool, the diminutive street-rat has clearly been badly ensorcelled by the demonic taint present in the fluid. Cran and Ugnan drag Cherry out but she has been badly affected. Struggling, she checks the double doors to the north and south; both open onto large chambers that house two functioning portals.   After some debate, the party decide to leave the portals functioning; Sylke is clearly relieved.   The companions retrace their route to discover the source of the gong and chanting they hear earlier. They are met by Sharna who, after completing a task set by her Order, has traced the companions route through the cisterns. The passageway leading towards the chanting heads eastwards. Alcoves flank the passage which slopes gently downwards, an eerie green light can be seen some way off. However, steps to the left descend into a small crypt. Long abandoned and avoided, thick cobwebs partly conceal the step stone steps that lead down to a plain marble sarcophagus. Resting on top of the stone slab is a heavily armored figure clutching what looks like a glass longsword. Around the armored knight are rusted and pitted weapons of great antiquity. Cran disturbs the knight who rises to confront the interlopers. Ancient, perhaps as old as Sel-kai itself, the armored guardian is a dangerous foe. Battering aside Cran's defence, the creature threatens to overwhelm the party with his enchanted sword and stout armor. Clever attacks by Cherry and Sylke unbalance and distract the knight; when Sharna recovers her courage from the initial shock, she too weighs in. Numal's darting attacks from the rear begin to wear the creature down and when an enraged Cran is able to shake off the initial onslaught of the creature, the battle turns.   By the end of the fight, the party are battered and Ugnan is insensible; a retreat is in order and the party send for a healer. House Elgata pay for the services of a healer from the Temple Of Eissa and Ugnan's uncanny powers of regeneration ensure that he is back on his feet as the party ready themselves for the vening. They plan to hide away and listen in on the meeting between Seylars Kataran, Lady Vosh and Olvar One-thumb. However, the Elgata servant who escorted the healer to the party's ship (The Wind Sprinter) also bears a message; a Loari called Luronen Moje has been looking for the party and wishes to meet with them urgently, he will be at the Elgata mansion this evening….
Report Date
23 Feb 2019
Primary Location

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