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The Cultists Of Sel-kai: Part Seven

General Summary

With a comfortable gap before the night time meeting between the Red Dragons and Unseen Eyes, the companions decide to continue their search for Patience Cloot, the last surviving member of the original Harmony. Venturing into a small shallow cistern, Cherry is able to deftly remove some of the wards but triggers a minor electrical trap. With Ugnan on hand however, what minor damage they receive is quickly attended to and they are able to proceed deeper into the south eastern tunnels.   A distant gong and sonorous chanting alert the party to the presence of more cultists but they are diverted by a stout door; clearly important, the door surely guards something important given the intricate locking mechanism. Cherry deftly removes this and the party continue down a well traveled passage. At the end of the passage is another door behind which is an oddly pulsing blue light. Carefully checking the door, Cherry casts an Intuitions spell … something is not quite right.   Glimpsing a few seconds into the future, Cherry can see the appearance of huge and terrible blood-soaked demon, she senses the evil of the creature, its hate and the terrible fight that will ensue if she opens the door. Reluctant to do so, she suggests that the party explore other areas first to see if they can go around what could be a fatal battle. Cran, unfortunately has other ideas, insistent that they fight this creature and possibly rescue Patience Cloot who they know is held captive somewhere, the behemoth loosens his axe and grimly advances on the door …   Ugnan and Sylk persuade the warrior to wait while they prepare spells, Cherry readies her bow and Numal draws his oddly fashioned tebuje.   The chamber beyond the door has two other exits guarded by reinforced wooden doors. From behind both come irregular flashes and pulses of blue light. In the center of the chamber is a deep blood-filled pool. As the party ernter, the demon from Cherry's vision emerges. Tall and carrying a menacing looking weapon, the thing is terribly fast and before Cran can engage, the creature smashes the great man back against the wall. Dazed and barely able to stand, Cran is almost helpless as his courageous companions are forced to engage the demon. For what feels like long minutes, Numal, Sylke and Ugnan close and occupy the creature as best they can. With impressive arcane powers to bolster their defences, Ugnan and Sylke distract the creature as Cherry rains arrow after arrow into the resilient hide of the demon; Numal darting in to strike with his odd-looking sword. Ugnan cleverly stuns the creature for an instant and is able to grab its fearsome weapon and toss it away.   Numal is eventually beaten back but he and the others have bought enough time; Cran recovers and is able to add his considerable brawn to the fight. Unable to land a telling blow without his scythe, the demon is eventually defeated. Cran recovers the weapon which is clearly enchanted and of considerable power …
Report Date
16 Feb 2019
Primary Location

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