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The Cultists Of Sel-kai: Part Six

General Summary

After a lengthy wait in the cisterns, Numal and Cherry are the first to hear of the approach of the cultists as they return to the warehouse. Unfortunately, the mysterious "Minister" who they believe is none other than the fugitive, Koren Maas, is not present. A well armed group of guards accompany an Iron Bell Cultist called Dorn Vasser and an elegantly dressed woman who appears to be their leader. Referred to as Lady Vosh, it is clear that the Cultist is in some awe of this powerful figure. Cherry and Numal overhear the woman refer to Koren Maas who she appears to have replaced in his capacity as the leader of "The Eyes".   As the first of the soldiers enter the basement of the warehouse, Cran, Sylke and Ugnan launch a well coordinated attack: Ugnan yells "Veracitor" as a signal and dazzles the two soldiers and the Cultist, Cran topples over a crate to slow their retreat and Sylke unleashes a powerful bolt of electricity that blinds and hideously disfigures the lead soldier. Hearing this, Numal dashes in with both his blades to attack the surprised soldiers below. Unprepared and caught totally flat-footed, the hapless soldier at the rear is instantly killed by a single precise blow and Numal moves to the second of the five soldiers.   It takes the soldiers time to react and in the warehouse, once Cran engages the Cultist, the fight swings in the companions favor. Within minutes, Dorn Vasser is killed and the two soldiers with him remain helplessly blind and disorientated. Below, a third soldier enters the basement to engage Cran. However, fate is ever fickle and though one of the two remaining mercenaries below is dead, the final soldier draws and advances on Numal. A canny and experienced warrior, the soldier drives Numal back, inflicting a serious wound to the Elf's shoulder. Cherry is also badly wounded and showing little remorse, the man batters her to the ground.   Before he can finish off the plucky thief, Cran comes to the rescue followed by Ugnan who has cleverly distracted one of the now recovered soldiers ("Fenlo") by using the arcane properties of his shield. Unfortunately, in the chaos, Lady Vosh has escaped, however questioning the rounded up soldiers including the Charmed Fenlo reveals some useful information.   Lady Vosh is the new leader of The Unseen Eyes in Sel-kai, replacing Koren Maas after his hasty and failed attempt at a coup. The Eyes focus remains the acquisition of The Heart Of Agoth but the Iron Bell's attempts to destroy Eidolon and almost literally rain chaos down on Sel-kai fits their wider plans so they remain supportive. However, it is clear that the Iron Bell are viewed as most definitely the "inferior" of the two. Olvar One-thumb has brokered a meeting (tomorrow night – Twelve Bridges district, not far from the The Oaken Cask Brewery) between Lady Vosh and the leader of the Red Dragons, a vicious street gang. Led by Seylars Kataran, the Dragons have a lethal reputation in Sel-kai. Some of Cherry's former gang (The Gargoyles) would gravitate to the Dragons if they were suitably callous (and psychopathic). Fenlo is also able to confirm that senior members of the Ship Builder's Guild of Sel-kai are privy to the great secrets that surround Eidolon's miraculous properties; Dorn Vasser was a high placed Guild Officer and thus the Cult were able to experiment and put together their plot to crash the floating city into Sel-kai. The Cultists use an apothecaries' store owned by a man called Andre Hovern (and his sister) as a "front" for their access to the cisterns. Koren Maas' links with the Black Rock Bank and the support of The Eyes meant a number of Cult businesses received the financial backing they required – this includes the warehouse the party are standing in as well as the Hovern's business; Andre has a sister who helps run the store front. Finally, the affable Fenlo tells the party and his good "friend" Ugnan that the Cultists have a "pet demon" that they serve who has been able to open and operate "portals" allowing the Cult limited teleportation to other sites within and around Sel-kai. The demon is particularly blood-thirsty and the Unseen Eyes could be working with the Dragons to secure a set of sacrifices for the Cult but this is just conjecture.   With as much information as they think they can glean and the clock very much ticking, the companions ruthlessly but efficiently kill the three soldiers and plan their next move ….
Report Date
02 Feb 2019
Primary Location

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