The Old Sword Building / Landmark in Shadow World | World Anvil
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The Old Sword

An Inn in Sel-kai. Well run by Davos Cloot.   Contains a long-forgotten mirror off the attic, which probably is linked to Queen Mab, the fey queen. Sylke was injured investigating in Episode 8.   The Old Sword was formerly "The New Sword" and was established in 5743 by Charity Cloot, daughter of Guthlaf Cloot who took ownership of the ruined lot after a fire damaged a number of adjacent buildings. The inn struggled to attract customers but the Cloots doggedly poured their dwindling finances into the place. A fire in 5862 threatened to ruin the family but Cuthwulf Cloot repaired the damaged building, which by now was known somewhat affectionately by the locals as, "The Old Sword Inn". The place's fortunes really turned around when Cuthwulf's daughter took over the inn (5893). Though young, the girl proved to be a shrewd and formidable businesswomen. By 5955, "Old Mother Cloot" had built the inn into a well known local eatery. If the rooms were not popular, the food was good and the ale strong.
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