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The Spice Merchants Of Sel-kai: Part Five

General Summary

Ugnan and Cherry pass their brief interview with the new Major Domo of the Elgata mansion and are accepted on a trial basis (1 week). After just a couple of days of careful reconnaissance, Cherry finds the location of the chart room and rigs a window in a downstairs room that will allow her access to the house after dark. Anxious to be gone before the dangerous younger brother (Yellin) of the House's head arrives from a business trip, the party gather under the western window via a skiff. A light rain makes climbing the walls treacherous but Sharna manages an extraordinary leap and catch to scramble up and she lowers a rope to Cran who has forced the iron bars away from the cleverly jimmied window. Cherry and Cran lurk on the roof to offer a distraction should one be needed while Ugnan and Cherry sneak into the ground floor. A clearly nervous Sylke manages the skiff and keeps watch on the canal and their exit route.   The locks are not easy and the young thief is under considerable pressure to break into the room as guards patrol the familiar corridors. In the garden, preparations are made for what appears to be some form of late-night picnic … in the rain?   After some anxious moments, Cherry manages to get into the map room, while Ugnan searches for the ledgers they need to copy for "Deltar", Cherry tries to crack the metal safe that lurks under a desk. Meanwhile, in the garden, a large mirror is unveiled and it is through this that Yelin Elgata appears, stepping through and arrogantly taking the goblet of wine offered by a servant girl.   With the ledger copied and the safe resisting all of Cherry's efforts, the party make their escape but are careful to re lock doors and even bend back the iron bar on the window. Flushed with their success and relieved to have escaped, the group retreat to The Old Sword. The following day they exchange the shipping details that "Deltar" wanted and the man is clearly pleased and promises more work.   The following day after some much needed shopping, the companions group for lunch in The Old Sword; in Cran's estimation, the steaks are definitely worth coming back for. To their shock, they are met at their table by Aldaran Elgata, the Head of the powerful merchant House. Accompanied by his surviving brother, Yellin, Aldaran has an offer to make. Sylke, it turns out, is a trusted House Agent and when Deltar proposed that you break into the Elgata estate she naturally warned her patron. Aldaran is still fuming and in mourning after the death of his beloved twin brother and has been pondering how best to investigate the Houses he suspects were responsible for his brother's death. He proposes to a reluctant Sylke that the party demonstrate their value by attempting the break-in. Should they fail, they will be dealt with accordingly by the guards. Not an unpleasant man but a ruthless one, Aldaran will likely have the party prosecuted in full – a considerable fine and lengthy imprisonment could await a failed mission. However, Sylke has few options but to help as best she can though she is warned to remain clear of the House (Aldaran does not want her captured by his guards, she is too valuable) and to offer minimal help with her arcane power. This is a test that the rest of her companions must pass.   Aldaran, like the group, is keen to find out more about Deltar and the link to House Betaran. He is also interested in House Alaxatan's motives and links to the drug smugglers headed up by Olvar One-thumbs employers. Aldaran is clearly on bad terms with Yellin and a number of times is abrupt and short with the undisciplined young Elgata; there is clearly considerable tension between the two. Aldaran is keen that the party investigate "Deltar of Urgon" (aka Aenor of Quaal) and suggests that they penetrate the old asylum he is using a base – one that is considerably "off grid" and kept secret from House Betaran.   Aldaran offers to meet the party (via a representative of course) in the Pig 'n Poke the following day.   Sylke is able to quickly fill in some of the House politics of Sel-kai once Aldaran leaves. Clearly guilty and uneasy she is obviously worried about her "betrayal" and the damage done to her friends trust of her. Put somewhat at ease by Cran's bluff fatalism ("You have to be realistic about these things.") she briefly outlines how dangerous the political and business maneuverings are between the merchant barons of Sel-kai.   House Elgata has made its fortune in banking and timber and recently secured an extremely valuable contract thanks to a personal friendship between Getan Elgata and members of the Rhakaan Court. However, this deal which was snatched away from two other Houses (Jurgon and Maledaar) perhaps cost Getan his life. Though ruthless, Elgata is an honorouble House in its dealings and is arrogantly proud of its honour and the pure Laan heritage of its family. Aldaran despairs of his surviving brother and the gossip amongst Elgata staff is that he will have Yellin legally barred from inheritance once he has the time to pursue matters in court.   House Betaran has no significant rivalry with Elgata. Deltar/Aenor has married into the family but why he is interested in Elgata shipping is curious. The Betaran's deal in coffee, oysters, pearls and such so though they verbally spar, at times, with Elgata there is no animosity between the Houses save for the usual distaste of Elgata's insufferable arrogance.   House Alaxatan are possibly among the most dangerous of the Houses (along with Elgata) and are rumored to use assassins as an established part of any business protocol. They are not on friendly terms with Betaran but the reasons why are not known to Sylke; personal, she suspects.   Of all the Houses, Elgata offers perhaps the best opportunities for travel, adventure and wealth but make no mistake, she warns, Aldaran is no fool and neither is his brother. Yellin's wild behavior and infamous womanizing seems calculated at times. Aldaran is both the coldest and cleverest person she has ever met; his colossal ego and arrogance is matched by a towering intellect – such things are "genetic" she suggests with a shrug at the departing Yellin.
Report Date
26 May 2018
Primary Location

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