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The Spice Merchants Of Sel-kai: Part Four

General Summary

Joined by Sherl, the party safely move Deltar's crates into their skiff and quietly move the contraband to what has become their base, The Old Sword. Both Cran and Ugnan pass an uneasy evening on guard duty as the mysterious inn continues to exert its unsettling effects and Sharna also is troubled with peculiar dreams. In the morning, Ugnan, Sherl ("Cherry" to her friends) and Sharna meet with Deltar and after a frank conversation receive instructions for the handover and their payment. Still suspicious, Cherry tracks Deltar of Urgon to the abandoned asylum known as "The Shudders" (formerly, The Hadeshill Asylum) which is clearly being used as a front for something.   Leaving in what Cherry first assumes is a disguise, Deltar heads eventually to House Betaran, a well known rival to House Alaxatan. Clearly, "Deltar of Urgon" is something more than just a paddler of Gort.   The next morning, Deltar meets the party at a condemned section of docks in the North Delta and pays handsomely for his crates. He also asks if the party will find out some shipping information for him. If, the "merchant" proposes, they can find the shipping details of his rivals in House Elgata, he can undercut them and make a significant profit – one that he will gladly share. Of course, breaking into the House in the Black Oaks and retrieving the information (the vessels: "Yrthstapper", "Foamfollower" and "Waverunner") is perilous. Sylke warns the party that justice in Sel-kai operates differently amongst the Houses and the very wealthy. No one will investigate their demise should they get caught!   Deciding that a detailed reconnaissance is needed, the party head to the "Pig 'n Poke" a surprisingly good tavern not too far from the the Elgata Estate; a simple and rather austere two storey affair that is bordered on three sides by canals. As luck would have it, the party meet a former employee of the House and with a combination of Ugnan's charm and Cran's gastronomic feats, the former Major Domo, "Hoccar Sarhana" reveals some of the predilections of Yelin Elgata. Yelin is the youngest brother of Aldaran Elgata (the Head of the family) and Hoccar suspects had him removed on fictitious stories of espionage because the Major Domo had complained to Aldaran of his younger brother's dealings with some of the servants, particularly Sigrid Holan a pretty red-haired maid.   Thus a plan is hatched to try and get Ugnan and Cherry (who has red-hair and may be just "Yelin's sort") into the Elgata estate …
Report Date
18 May 2018
Primary Location

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