V'rama Vair Character in Shadow World | World Anvil
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V'rama Vair

V’rama Vair, Queen of the Nureti, is an unrivalled ebony beauty. Awoken by accident by the Nureti in S.A 2000.   Arriving in Tarek Nev, then a small farming settlement, she used her persuasive magic to cause part of the Nureti tribe to grow hostile, and they took up weapons against their brothers. A schism developed, and V’rama was asked to leave Tarek-Nev, along with her supporters.   Exiled, she opened her mind great powers, untapped flows of the Dark Essence, and made sacrifices to gods of the night. Before long, her summons were answered by a cruel deity known as Orgiana, Dark Mistress , ruler of the Black Hel. Orgiana and her minions gave V’rama the knowledge to build weapons of war and to strike fear into her timid enemies.   Capturing Tarek-Nev, now a fortified city and mastering all of the Nureti people, over the next five years (or so) V’rama turned her powers to further conquests.   In S.A 6200 Loremasters aided by the Lords of Orhan and the Amarrishi, destroyed Tarek Nev and the Dark Nureti Gods, V’rama’s fate is unknown.
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