Combat Tips and Tricks

  Some tactics that will help less combat proficent charcaters, and also increase the likelyhod of ending combats quicker. These are mainly benificial while partnering up with an experinced fighter who will take up most of the opponents focus.   Second Line Pole Arm Attacks — Combatants behind friendly combatants (i.e., in the second line) should be allowed to strike past the friendly combatants (i.e., the front line) if they are using pole arms. This also allowes the second line to full attack wihtout the fear of getting hit, and also forcing the opponent to divide OB/DB between two attackers if possible.   Outnumbering Opponent - You can only parry one, or possibly two opponents with a shield. Position will also give an extra advantage (i.e flanking on the non shield side, or from behind)   Waiting for an oppertunity - Holding until the enemy have been hit and suffering from disadvange (i.e Stunned or similar) will also give you an advantage on your attack rolls.  
Position Melee Special
Flank Attack +15 Cumulative with other position mods.
Rear Attack +20 Cumulative with other position mods.
Surprise Attack +20 Cumulative with other position mods.
Advantageous Position varies Cumulative with other position mods.
  Unless stated otherwise, position bonuses are cumulative.
For example, a surprise rear attack would get a total position bonus of at least +55: +20 for surprise, +20 for rear attack, and +15 for a flank attack. A non-surprise rear attack would get a total position bonus of +35.

Target Status Melee Special
Stunned Target +20 Not cumulative with other target status mods.
Downed Target +30 Not cumulative with other target status mods.
Prone Target +50 Not cumulative with other target status mods.


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