Giants & Jotunn

Giants come in a broad range of guises from the cunning and clever to the brutish and stupid. But all Giants are not to be underestimated.

Once they were populous and lived throughout the land. Many landmarks - a precariously balanced boulder, an oddly shaped mountain peak, or a curiously shaped lake-were created (usually accidentally) or placed by giants. With the rise of men, however, the giant population dwindled and their race retreated. Of those on Midgard, most dwell in fabled lands far to the east. This land is known by many names-Jotunheim, Giantland, and the Glasir Plains. Others live far north in the frozen wastes. In mythical lands, giants abounded, again to the east of Asgard and to the south in Muspelheim. As a rule, giants share the worst characteristics of humans. They are deceitful, often cunning, greedy, malicious, jealous, and violent. Some are quite clever and skilled in magical arts.
All giants are evil.
Odin said: Hail, Vafthrudnir! I am here in your hall to see what you look like, I have come to find out if they call you wise rightly or wrongly, giant.


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