
Lord of the Fire Giants

Surtur stands ever alert in Muspelheim, brandishing his sword that shines brighter than the sun. At Ragnarok he will be responsible for setting the world on fire, burning it down to make room for the new one. Prophecies say that he will even destroy Bifrost under his weight and that of his subjects.

Divine Domains

Fire, war.

Tenets of Faith

A few cults of Surtur thrive in Mannheim, often cooperating with Loki’s cult. These cults teach respect for fire, its use as a tool, and its danger when uncontrolled. They teach that fire is a cleansing agent, and point to the new growth after a forest fire as proof. Members of Surtur’s cult seek every opportunity to undermine Thor’s cult, and they have plenty of help and expert advice from Loki’s cult. While Thrym has a similar cult, fire and ice never mix.


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