Syrkakar Warfare

The Syrkakar have long been known as great warriors among the tall trees of the northern taiga. They train theirmen in the use of arms and the skills of trapping and tracking from their early youth, giving an hour or two of outdoor instruction six days ofeach week (their weeks being of one full cycle of Vello, the second largest moon, which orbits once every ten days).
Short swords are their favored weapons and leather breastplates their armor, elite units - notably among the Ukasur clan -use warhammers and may wear the hide plate mail created from the skin of the Hojarga, a powerful drake-like beast indigenous to the clefts of the Kanga Sym. All of their garb is dyed a grey-blue, although members of each Olzaw wear a colored cloak unique to their clan . Nonetheless, the reversible inner side of this long, protective draping is always camouflaged dark green in the summer, and greyish-white in the winter.
  Their armies are modestin size, and rarely number more than 1000, despite the numbers of the Syrkakar. Usually they fight in 50-man units known as Lirds ("Packs'), and this is the normal raiding force. Each Lird is a self-sufficient machine of war, and employs 10 wolves and 10 hawks to aid in the chores of keeping watch and trailing their prey.

A more complete listing of their military organization would be :

Name of Unit Type Number of Men
Lirk (Small Pack) 5
Lirm (Lesser Pack) 10
Lird (Pack) 50
Surm (Lesser Force) 200
Surd (Force) 1000


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