The Order of Iron and Flame

The Iron Wind

The Iron Wind is known only as a power- and only through its minions. The Order of Iron an Flame is the most well known and feared in The Mur Fostisyr


The Iron Solstice

The Iron Solstice is the most revered and feared celebration among the worshipers of the Iron Wind. Normally held during the coldest or longest night of the year, it marks the moment when the Iron Wind is believed to be at its strongest, bringing cold, fire, and transformation to all who endure its trials.   This is formost a celebration of endurance and the purifying power of cold. Followers undertake trials of strength and will, often spending the night in icy wildernesses with only minimal protection. Proven devoted followers are encouraged to prove their worth in more eleaborate ways during this festival.

At the heart of the festival is a brutal, symbolic combat ritual where participants, nearly bare, engage in fierce battles in the freezing cold. Clad in only the thinnest garments or sometimes nothing but body paint, the warriors fight not only to prove their strength but to demonstrate their unwavering belief that the Iron Wind shields them from the deadly cold.
Blood and frost mix in the snow as combatants clash, their breath visible in the biting air. To falter is to prove oneself unworthy of the Iron Wind’s favor; to stand victorious is to be seen as one who has truly embraced the wind’s harsh embrace and survived its trial.
  Bonfires are lit at dawn to symbolize the warmth of victory over the trials, and Fireforged warriors showcase their skill by forging weapons in the freezing conditions.

Once the champions emerge from the trial by combayt, having proven their resilience to both the cold and the battlefield, they are led to the climax of the rite. This rite, held in the warmth of sacred fires, is meant to honor the Iron Wind’s power of creation through destruction. The winners of the combat are paired with chosen partners to participate in a ritual that ensures the continuation of the bloodline, a symbolic merging of strength and renewal. The belief is that the children born from these unions are blessed by the Iron Wind itself, destined for greatness.

The night ends in solemn reflection, as the villagers gather to honor both the fierce trials and the fertility of life, all under the gaze of the relentless Iron Wind that watches over them.


The teachers and mentors of the order is sometimes referred to as Frostwardens, Iron Prophets or Coldwardens. They travel the land of Mur Fostisyr and spread the work of the The Iron Wind.
Focusing on teaching the people Literacy, Mathematics and other sciences.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Order serve as concilor and mentor of the Tenth Syrkakan Jyka Brust

"Endure, and be remade."

The Messengers of the Order
“Your gods are weak. The Iron Wind claims this land. There is no power but mine.”

“You call upon the old ways, But the Iron Wind rules these lands now.”
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Brotherhood of the Iron Wind
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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