Theme of the Saga of Blue Light

Differences from the High Fantasy D&D, Pathfinder worlds and systems.   There arnt really "monsters" to fight. Most combat encounters will be against other people from other tribes. There is animals but that's for hunting mostly.   There is legends about Lindwyrms (Mythical Sperpent Beasts) Jötnar (Jotunn) giant humanoid monsters. But they are stories, some people say they have seen them.   The environment is trying to kill you, and everything is dangerous! The system uses a detailed critical injury system and as there isn't any healing potions or Healers that can just cast some heal spells. Yes there is magic but it's very rare and treated as a gift from the gods, to certain select people. But even what they can do is very, very limited. (This will make more sense when you have played the system)


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