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Actions & Reactions

Actions are mainly needed for further definition of Combat scenes and are not used to great extent during Social Scenes as they are meant to be as organic as possible. Still this page should give you a rich variety of actions for anything from Combat to Social interactions, to prolonged actions during extended downtime for your characters.

Basic Actions

  To begin with lets look at the most basic types of actions. Regardless of what type of advanced or complex action your character does they could all be simplified by falling under one of the following 5 Actions:
  • Attack: This action can be performed in one of 2 ways.
    Either The character takes his firearm(s) (or ballistic weapon) and targets an opponent, item or area.
    Or the character attacks a target in close combat using his body or a melee weapon.
  • Interact: The character interacts with an object or individual. This action can be used to unlock an item, reload a weapon or start a conversation.
  • Investigate: Assess an area, item or individual.
  • Move: The character moves at a steady pace. The player should advise (if it is relevant) whether he is moving at a relaxed or rushed pace. Advise if your character is seeking cover while moving, looking for traps, investigating clues, trying to remain stealthy etc. In other words a Move action can generally be combined with another Action as long as it makes sense.
  • Activate Supernatural Ability: Whether it is a Gift, Power, Discipline or known, by another name entirely, the character activates one of his supernatural abilities.

Advanced Combat Actions

  Advance Combat actions will likely see the most use as it is one of the few actions you cannot act out in a larp setting or at a table.  
  • Aimed Strike (Attack): The character takes careful aim at a particular limb or body part to strike a more telling blow.
    The character performs this as an Attack Action. He must advise if he is target the targets Arms, Legs, Torso or Head. He suffers a 2 Point Penalty if targeting the Arms or Legs, a 3 Points Penalty if targeting the Torso and a 4 Point Penalty if targeting the Head. If successful, than aside from the normal damage, the attack will do as much many points of severity to the chosen body part as is the attacks damage severity. Superficial Damage will do 1 point of severity, Aggravated Damage will do 2 points of severity and Lethal Damage will do 3 points of severity to the chosen body part. This Action can only be performed once per Scene.
  • All Out Attack (Attack): The character throws himself at the enemy with no disregard for their personal safety.
    The character performs a normal attack roll. He receives a 2 Point Bonus but losses the benefit of any points of Defense value he has and all enemies benefit from a 2 Point Bonus against him until the characters next Turn. This action immediately ends your Turn.
  • Assist (Interact): Instead of focusing his efforts on overcoming the obstacle alone the character lends his aid to an ally who stands a better chance of success.
    Roll the dice for a single Skill your character possesses and make a note of the result. You can assist an ally who rolls a Test or Opposing Roll in that same Skill this Turn. The ally gains a Point Bonus equal to the number of successes you made. This Action must be your last Action for the Turn for it to have an effect and is lost if you make a Reaction before the ally can make use of your assistance.
  • Brawl (Attack): The character swings once at each opponent keeping them at bay as best he can.
    You make a single attack roll against an enemy in close combat with the highest difficulty rating, suffering a 1 Point Penalty for each opponent after X-1, where X is the number of opponents currently engaged with your character. If successful than split the damage across those opponents your character is currently engaged with as evenly as possible.
  • Break Hold (Attack): With a jerk your character attempts to break the enemies hold on it.
    This action can only be performed if the character had been Grappled. Immediately make an opposing Strength + Brawl Roll against the individual performing the Grapple. If successful the Grapple is broken and your character can make his subsequent Actions as normal.
  • Covering Fire (Attack)shooters heads down and unable to take aim.
  • Disarm (Attack): Instead of performing an attack that will deal damage the character focuses on disarming his opponent.
    You suffer a 2 Point Penalty to your Dexterity + Brawl or Melee attack (difficulty = Targets Melee). You do not do any damage but if successful you disarm a single weapon from your opponent which flies out of the targets hand in a random direction.
  • Draw (Interact): The character draws their weapon.
    Draw a weapon or item that you previously had equipped on your person but not in use.
  • Execute (Attack): The character delivers the finish blow to an opponent.
    You attack a Stunned or incapacitated enemy. This Action ends your Turn after it is performed. The test benefits from a 5 Point Bonus. Perform a normal Attack action if in base contact with the target (difficulty = Targets Stamina) or, if your targeting them with a Firearm from range, perform a Firearms + Dexterity test (Difficulty = 3).
  • First Aid (Interact): The character desperately tries to administrate first aid to an ally.
    Administrate first aid. Perform a Intelligence + Medicine roll. This action can be used on a dying target in order to temporarily stabilize the (difficulty = 3), remove a Bleeding Condition (difficulty = 5) or remove a Severity point from an Injury ( difficulty = 5).
  • Grapple (Attack): The character focuses on grappling a target with the intent of restraining them without inflicting injury.
    This action can only be used against a single target. The character rolls a Strength + Brawl test (difficulty = targets Strength or Dexterity). If successful the target cannot move and/or perform any physical actions, with the exception of the Break Hold action, or reactions while it is Grappled. At the same time the character performing this action is considered Staggered (Condition) and all his physical actions suffer a 3 Point Penalty with the exception of any actions directed at the target of the Grapple. The Grapple is broken when the target makes a successful Break Hold action, the character is incapacitated or until the character uses an action to break the Grapple.
  • Hide (Interact): Using the confusion of combat the character tries to hide away.
    Attempt to hide using any obstacle, terrain feature or even another individual (if these are not in place than there is no way to succeed. Roll a Dexterity + Stealth test (difficulty = highest Wits rating amongst those who can see you).
  • Headbutt (Attack): Sometimes using ones head can be taken to literal.
    The character performs a close combat attack with his head suffering a 2 Point Penalty. Roll a Strength + Brawl (difficulty = Targets Stamina) If successful the target suffers 1 point of Superficial Damage and receives a Stun. If the character fails than he receives 1 point of Superficial Damage and a Stun.
  • Hold Action (Multiple): The character waits for an opportune time to strike.
    The character exchanges any remaining Actions for possible Reactions. The player must advise the storyteller exactly what the triggers are for their character to react. If those triggers do not occur there is no Reaction and the turn is wasted.
  • Maneuver (Move): The character positions himself in a more favorable position to launch a more telling blow.
    Chose a target your character is currently in close combat with. Perform a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty = Targets Wits) if successful add a 2 Point Bonus to your next attack roll against the chosen target.
  • Reload (Interact): The character discards the empty clip and quickly slots in a new one.
    Reload an empty clip or firearm. This act costs 2 Actions.
  • Retreat (Move): The character attempts to pull away from an enemy he is actively engaged in.
    Perform an opposing Initiative roll. If the character wins than he may move away from the enemy without triggering a reaction. Otherwise, the enemy can make a Reaction against the retreating character.
  • Run (Move): The character runs at full pace.
    The character doubles his normal movement but is prevented from being stealthy, sticking to cover or do anything more. This Action can only be used once per Turn.
  • Shoulder Charge (Move-Attack): The character shoulder barges an enemy.
    Perform a Strength + Brawl test (difficulty = Targets Stamina). If successful the target will be pushed back or even knocked onto the floor. If the test is failed the character is considered to have missed the target and is now Staggered. At most the attack will only cause Superficial damage but a high degree of successes will cause the Target to become Stunned.
  • Stealth Attack (Attack): The character makes a stealth attack.
    This Action requires 2 rolls. The first is a Dexterity + Stealth roll (difficulty = Targets Wits) followed by an attack action. If the first roll is successful than the second roll will benefit from a 3 Point Bonus. Note this action can only be performed if the target is not aware of the attacker. Trying to attack the target head on or in an obvious fashion will cause the first test to automatically fail.
  • Suppressing Fire (Attack): The character fires a barrage of bullets' in an attempt to keep the enemy from advancing.
    This Action can only be performed with an Automatic Firearm. Target a single individual (or a group close by or within the same arc of fire) and perform a Firearms + Dexterity test with a 1 Point Penalty (difficulty = Targets Resolve or Stamina, whichever is higher). If successful apply the damage as per normal and the target is considered Staggered. The weapons clip will have to be reloaded after this action as it runs dry.
  • Throw (Attack): The character throws an item or piece of terrain at the enemy.
    Perform a Strength + Athletics Test. The difficulty and damage are mainly determined by the weight and shape of the object and the distance of the throw. The target can treat this as a Ranged attack for the purpose of their Reactions.

Advanced Social Actions

  Most social actions occur naturally at the table but for situations where the Storyteller needs a fresh idea or setting a difficulty rating might just be a little to complex use the advanced actions bellow.  
  • Blackmail (Interact): The character attempts to blackmail a target.
    In order to blackmail an individual, you must normally have something of value to the target. If you do perform a Charisma + Persuasion roll with a 3 Point Bonus against the targets Charisma + Resolve.
    You can also try and blackmail a target by lying about your ability to follow through with your threats. If this is the case you must first pass a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll against the targets Manipulation + Wits followed by the Charisma + Persuasion roll with a 2 Point Bonus.
    If the test is successful than you will automatically succeed in all further Persuasion based tests against the target for the rest of the Scene. Note though that while blackmailing someone is effective it does have its limits depending on what you are asking for and the targets own preferences.
  • Bribe (Interact): The character attempt to bribe a target.
    There is an art to bribery. It needs to be just a big enough amount to make everyone feel comfortable but a small enough one that it does not raise further suspicion. Perform a Manipulation + Finance test (difficulty = Targets Composure). If successful you can be mostly certain what amount or form the payment should be and what services that provides you.
  • Charm (Interact): The character attempts to charm or seduce an individual.
    Attempt to charm an individual. Perform a Charisma + Appearance test (difficulty = Targets Resolve). If successful you gain a 2 Point Bonus for any future Persuasion rolls for the Scene (provided you stay in the targets good graces). If you beat the tests requirements by 5 successes or more than you gain the bonus for the rest of the Story (again provided you stay in the targets good graces). The difficulty will greatly depend on the target’s own relationship status, sexual preferences and your characters looks.
  • Commotion (Interact): The character causes a commotion to draw attention to themselves.
    The character performs an action that will get everyone's attention, whether it is knocking over a tray of glasses, starting a fight or juts being loud in general. The roll and test difficulty will greatly depend on the method the player choses but if successful everyone, but those who are wise to the ploy, will suffer a 1 Point Penalty to their Wits until your character ends the commotion or until the end of the Turn (depending on the nature of the disturbance).
  • First Strike (Attack): As talks fail the character sucker punches their target.
    Perform the very first attack of the Scene before combat starts. This gives you a single Turn to perform your attack before the Initiative order is implemented. Before you can make this attack make an Initiative roll against the targets Wits + Awareness. First strike can only be done if you won the roll. Note that bonuses are provided if the target is not actively looking at their assailant.
  • Perform (Interact): Your character attempts to either dance, sings or perform other feats which are either impressive or entertaining.
    Pass a Dexterity (for physical feats) or Charisma (for non-physical feats) + Expression test (difficulty = Targets Resolve, if group than majority Resolve value). If successful you benefit from a 1 Point Bonus on all Social rolls for the rest of the Scene.
  • Gaslight (Interact): The character attempts to make a target question their own thoughts, emotions and memories.
    Perform a Manipulation + Persuasion roll against the targets Composure + Resolve. If successful the target will be less likely to interact with anyone in the Scene.
  • Make Way (Interact): Your character raises himself to his full height and uses his body to make others move out of their way or give him space.
    Perform a Strength + Intimidation test (difficulty = Targets Resolve, if group than majority Resolve value). If successful other characters will move out of the way for you or just give you space.
  • Pickpocket (Interact): The character attempts to pickpocket a target.
    Attempt to steal something from an individual right out of their pockets or place an item on their person without them noticing. Perform a Dexterity + Larceny test (difficulty = Targets Wits). If successful the character can steal an item right out of their targets pockets or place an item on the target without them noticing
  • Poison (Interact): The character attempts to poison food or drink.
    Perform a Dexterity + Stealth or Larceny test. The difficulty is greatly dependent on would be onlookers and how much attention you already have on you. If successful you managed to poison a drink.

Advanced Mental Actions

  Advanced Mental actions are prolonged actions which the character uses to learn, train, investigate, build, record etc. Unlike other advanced actions these do not have a minimum success rating instead the Storyteller should establish what the outcome of each roll is.  
  • Archive (Interact): The character records the events of the day.
    Record the events of the past few days using a method of your choosing. Perform a Wits + Academics test.
  • Autopsy (Investigate): The character performs an autopsy.
    You attempt to gain knowledge from a corpse. Perform an Intelligence + Medicine test.
  • Interrogate (Investigate): The character interrogates a prisoner.
    You attempt to gain knowledge from a targeted individual. Perform a Wits + Investigation roll if the interrogation is calm and verbal for the most part or a Wits + Intimidation roll if the interrogation is aggressive and threatening against the targets Wits + Composure.
  • Investigate (Investigate): The character performs an investigation of the area.
    Investigate an item or location for clues. Perform a Wits + Investigation test if you are investigating an area or an Intelligence + Investigation roll if you are investigating an item.
  • Make Contacts (Interact): Your character takes time to try and make some contacts in the local area.
    Perform a Connections test. The result is determined by the storyteller but 3 points should give you at least a low-level contact.
  • Meditate (Investigate): The character takes a moment to himself and centers his mind.
    You meditate to get center your mind and get a fresh perspective. Perform a Composure + Resolve test (3). If successful recover 1 point of Superficial or (depending on the number of successes) Willpower damage.
  • Memories (Investigate):The character takes time to remember his surroundings.
    Attempt to memorize a sequence of number, words, faces, sounds or even physical moves. Perform a Resolve + Intelligence test.
  • Study (Interact): The character sits down with a book and starts cramming knowledge.
    The player choses Science, Technology, Academics or Occult and attempts to learn more about any topics relating to those skills. He must have material to study and time to perform the Action which can take hours, days or weeks depending on what he is attempting to do. The character makes an Intelligence + Science, Technology, Academics or Occult (whatever the topic best relates to) test. The difficulty is determined by the topic itself and what the character is trying to learn. If successful the results can range from temporary Bonus Points for rolls, Specializations being granted or, if it is done consistently, the character might be awarded a free dot in one of the Skills or his Intelligence Attribute.
  • Teach (Interact): The character teaches a willing student.
    Attempt to pass on some of your knowledge to a chosen pupil. Chose a topic and chose an Attribute and Skill that best relates to that topic (Storyteller will advise). The success greatly depends on the student.
  • Tinker (Interact): The character either builds items or improves upon existing ones.
    This action can take hours or days depending on its complexity. The character must pass two tests. The first is always an Intelligence + Science or Technology (or best related skill) test. This is followed by a Wits + Craft test. Difficulty depends on the item the character is attempting to craft.
  • Train (Interact): Either alone or with others the character attempts to improve or upkeep his current Skills.
    Perform a Dexterity, Stamina or Strength (whichever relates best your training) + chosen skill (that best relates with your training). Difficulty depends on what the character is attempting to achieve. Rewards can range from temporary Bonus Points for rolls, Specializations being granted or the character might be awarded a free dot in the chosen skill. Success is greatly dependent on the length and consistency of the training.


  Reactions occur when the character's normal Intentions are prevent by a sudden event or a counter action by a player or NPC. Simply put an event occurs which prevents your character's normal intentions and as a result the character can make a split second reaction to try and salvage the situation. The Storyteller presents you with some options and you can either chose one of them or come up with your own reaction (if the Storyteller permits it). Here is a list of basic Reactions:  
  • Brace (Move): Instead of trying to avoid the blow the character instead attempts to ride the incoming blow.
    This reaction is only available if the character can stand still. Use the characters Stamina value rather than their Dexterity as the base difficulty.
  • Dive (Move): The character can make a split-second move to try and reach cover.
    This reaction can only be undertaken if cover is available. If so the character immediately gains the correlating Defence Bonus that the cover would provide but is also considered during his next Activation.
  • Dodge (Move): When attacked the character tries to avoid the incoming blow entirely.
    This reaction can only be done if there is enough room for the character to move. Use the characters Dexterity value rather than their Stamina as the base difficulty.
  • Parry (Attack): The character focuses on Parrying incoming enemy blows. This reaction is only affective against close combat attacks. Use the character's Brawl (if using his fists) or Melee (if using a melee weapon) value as the base difficulty.
  • Redirect Attack (Attack): Seeing that his target is no longer there the character quickly adjusts the aim of his weapon to make the most of his attack.
    If the situation warrants it and the characters initial target is no longer there the character can redirect his attack at another enemy close by. This redirected attack suffers a 1 Point Penalty.
  • Succeed at a Cost (Any): The character pushes himself further at the expense of his own safety.
    You can only use this Reaction once per Scene. After your character had made his roll (including Willpower) and found out that he did not pass the Test or Opposing Roll you may roll 3 additional dice for the test and add them to the result. If the test is passed your character still suffers some minor form of injury or inconvenience (the equivalent of half of the normal penalty is a good guide to go by) however if even with this added bonus you still fail than the penalties applied to your character are doubled instead.

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