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Renown is a measure of a shapeshifter's place in their society and determines how they rank when compared to the legends of the past. Renown can be gained or lost between sessions and is, for lack of a better term, constantly in flux. It is divided into 3 broad categories:
  • Glory – Glorious deeds brought about, primarily, through physical combat and war.
  • Honor – Honourable deeds brought about via maintaining one’s word, being respectful to your people, being honourable in combat (where possible) and upholding the Litany.
  • Wisdom – Wise deeds brought about through the search for knowledge, teaching, advising, cunning or successfully mediating disputes.
Regardless of its type all Renown has two uses.   Primarily it is used to establish a packing order and one’s standing amongst Garou society. The higher a Garou’s rank is in a particular Renown type the more weight his words will carry in certain matters.   Secondly it is used as a standing amongst spirits. Spirits themselves judge a Garou’s true worth through his deeds. The higher it is, the more powerful gifts a Garou has access to.   All Renown is measured in a value between 0-5, with 0 being the most inexperienced pup, or failing sept member, and 5 being an elder or trusted leader of the Caern.  

Renown as a Social Bonus


  A Garou’s Rank is only as high as his lowest rating in each of the 3 Renown categories. While individual bonuses can be assigned to matters of wisdom, glory or honor, this is purely at the storyteller’s discretion. Additionally, while the Social Bonus or Penalty points are applied as soon as a new rank is achieved, the benefits of the new role the Garou may attain within his Caern, only become relevant when other Garou award him the position. This is also true in the reverse however.   For instance, a Garou who is Rank 4 in his lowest Renown category but currently holds the rank of Adren will benefit from the 2 Point Social Bonus immediately. However, he will not gain the responsibilities or perks of the Athro Rank until he is officially recognized by his peers.
On the other hand, a Garou who is Rank 3 in his lowest Renown category but currently holds the rank of Elder as a Caern alpha, will only benefit from a 1 Point Social Bonus, but will keep the responsibilities and perks of the Caern alpha until formally challenged or removed from power.  

Renown as a measure of Spiritual Favor

  Spirits keep their own judgment of the Garou and chose who they will grant their powers to individually. They can be capricious, spiteful, honorable, loving, hateful, and much more. While your own individual relationship to a particular spirit can impact its favor of you, most spirits still judge a Garou based on the 3 Renown types prevalent in their society.
In terms of Gifts, beyond the starting and universal Gifts a Garou possesses, all Gifts must be purchased via XP points. Unlike most other Supernatural Creatures Garou Gifts possess a Requirement section where it dictates how many dots a Garou must possess in a particular Renown type, in order to use each Gift. In addition access to Gifts can be temporarily lost as the character either angers his spiritual benefactor or losses dots in Glory, Honor or Wisdom.   For instance, let’s say a Garou possess 1 dot in Wisdom, 2 dots in Glory and 3 dots in Honor. He wishes to buy 2 Gifts. Gift A requires 2 dots in Glory and 2 dots in Honor. Gift B requires 2 dots in Glory and 3 dots in Wisdom. The Garou can purchase Gift A without issue as he meets its requirements but cannot purchase Gift B as he lacks sufficient dots in Glory.
Now let’s say that 2 sessions later the Garou’s Renown rating had changed to 3 dots in Wisdom, 2 dots in Glory and 1 dot in Honor. The Garou now losses access to Gift A as he no longer meets its requirements but can now purchase Gift B as he meets its requirements.   In terms of Social aspects certain spirits may be more inclined to show you favor if you possess a high number of dots in a particular Renown, but that is up to each individual spirit and by extension the storyteller himself.  

Gaining and Losing Renown


Note that the application of loss or gain for Renown story wise usually occurs after the pack had returned to their Caern but depending on the situation the storyteller might chose to apply it at the end or start of each session or during a particularly important event.  


  • Fame Impacted: Advises which category of Renown is impacted. 
  • Activity: Is self explanatory and advises the nature of the actions the Garou had performed in order to gain or lose Renown. Activities are split into 5 broad terms to make it a little simpler for the player and the storyteller. 
  • Bonus or Reduction (+/-): advises how many dots of Renown the player either gains or losses through his actions. 
  • Level Limit: Advises to how many dots a bonus or reduction can either lower or raise a Garou's Renown rating in a given category at most.
    For instance Injuring another Garou or Kinfolk while in Frenzy will reduce the characters Glory rating by 2 and can reduce it all the way down to 0. Using Frenzy to destroy an enemy raises your Glory rating by 2 but performing that action cannot push you past 3 dots in your Glory rating. Similarly succumbing to Berserker or Wyrm Frenzy lowers your Glory rating by 1 dot but cannot reduce you bellow 1 dot in that category. 

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