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Silver Fangs

The "Alpha Tribe" of the Garou Nation, the Silver Fangs are traditional rulers and war leaders. These noble Garou are known for their physical beauty, courage, and honor. Sadly, many younger members of the tribe suffer from odd quirks - absent-mindedness, mild hallucinations, somnambulism - nothing overtly psychotic, but noticeable nevertheless. The powerful history of the tribe lays a heavy burden on the shoulders of its members, and many are too proud to ask for help. The plight of the Silver Fangs epitomizes the tragedy of the Garou in general. Although proud and outwardly strong, the Fangs suffer from diseases of the spirit and mind. Inbreeding and harano have weakened the foundation of the tribe, and although they strive to set things right, it may already be too late.

Tribal Trait - The Seven Houses

Silver Fangs are glorious leaders but due to the Tribes focus on maintaining pure bloodlines specific quirks and derangements had developed between different houses. As a Silver Fangs character you must chose one of the houses provided and gain their specific versions of the House Trait.

House of the Austere Howl (Great Britain)

The house had recently been savaged by allegations of Wyrm Corruption and sacrificial rituals amongst their Kinfolk. The house scrambles to redeem its name.
Tribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Overcompensation Derangement (Character Flourishes).

House of Blood Red Crest (Asia and India)

successfulplaguedTribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Sexual Dysfunction Derangement (Character Flourishes).

The Clan of the Crescent Moon (Russia)

Preferring to be referred to as a Clan rather than a house, the Crescent Moon relies on codes and ancient traditions more than any other House. This dedication to dogma had led to both the clans downfall and rebirth.
Tribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Narcissistic Derangement (Character Flourishes).

The House of the Gleaming Eye (Northern Europe)

Calculating, ruthless and more than a little mad this House watches the rest of the Garou Nation with vigilant gaze. The House members seek to root out any Wyrm taint within the tribe before it can become epidemic.
Tribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Paranoid Derangement (Character Flourishes).

The House of the Unbreakable Heart (Canada and American Midwest)

Priding itself as an intertribal facilitator, the house had done little recently to quell inter-Tribal conflict in North America, instead turning insular as an unknown foe had recently destroyed many of their main Caerns.
Tribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Derangement (Character Flourishes).

House Wise Heart (Mediterranean and Middle East)

Long considered to be a bastion of Wisdom within the Tribe the house had begun hoarding its secrets even more closely of late. This had led some to believe they may be dabbling in knowledge Garou were not meant to know.
Tribal Trait: When Rage exceeds your Willpower Rating the character suffers from the Antisocial Derangement (Character Flourishes).

House Wyrmfoe (American Northeast)

The most modern Tribal House, it is know for its mavericks and individualistic kings. They rely more on their own wits than tradition.
Tribal Trait: Chose a Derangement for your character. Unlike other Houses your Tribal Trait (Derangement) is active regardless of the amount of Rage you possess.


All Silver Fangs follow the rules bellow during character creation:
  • Tribal Totem: Falcon
  • Heavy is the Crown: The Silver Fangs are held to a greater standard than other Garou. Whenever Renown is awarded to your character at the end of the night chose a single Renown Category and halve the number of points you would get (positive points only), rounding down. Additionally, Wyrm servants will always treat you as the preferred target of their attacks (at the discretion of the Storyteller).
  • Lodges (Chose one):
    Lodge of the Moon: Increase your Primal Urge by 1.
    Lodge of the Sun: Increase your dots in Leadership, Finance and Politics by 1.
  • Noble Lineage: Start the game with 1 dot in the Pure Breed and Ancestors advantages.
  • Arrogant: Start the game with the Vice of Pride.
  • Gifts of the Falcon: Chose a single permanent Level 1 Silver Fangs Tribal Gift for your character to possess.


A Silver Fang may chose to belong to one of the following Camps within his Tribe. This is an optional choice the character can take and should really only be taken by characters of Rank 2 or greater.  


The tribe's traditionalists, the Royalists wish to return the "good old days" where all other tribes bent the knee to the Silver Fangs. For obvious reasons, the Royalists do not get along well with the Renewalists.
  • Bonus: Start the game with an additional dot in Pure Breed (this is combined with Noble Lineage).
  • Negative: You suffer a 1 Point Penalty to all Social Rolls when dealing with Garou who are from a different camp and of the same or higher rank as yourself. You suffer a 2 Point Penalty for all Social Rolls, regardless of circumstances, when dealing with members of the Renewalists Camp.


Home to the tribe's "young Turks", the Renewalists advocate the integration of new ideas and, perhaps, new blood into the tribe, to stave off stagnation. For obvious reasons, the Renewalists do not get along well with the Royalists.
  • Bonus: You add a 1 Point Bonus to all Social rolls when dealing with other Garou.
  • Negative: Change the text under the Noble Lineage Background to - Start the game with 1 dot in the Ancestors advantage.
    Additionally, you suffer a 2 Point Penalty for all Social Rolls, regardless of circumstances, when dealing with members of the Royalists Camp.

Ivory Priesthood

Less a faction than the tribe's self-appointed arcane researchers, the Ivory Priests research the secrets of death and life.
  • Bonus: Start the game with an additional dot in Ancestors (this is combined with Noble Lineage).
  • Negative: When presented with a chance to interact with the spirits of the dead (ancestors included) the character must take that chance or lose 1 point of Wisdom.

Grey Raptors

Perhaps best described as an extremist sect of the Royalists, the Grey Raptors take it upon themselves to pass judgment upon those whom defy the Silver Fangs.
  • Bonus: Start the Game with 2 additional dots in Pure Breed (this is combined with Noble Lineage).
  • Negative: Receive the secondary Disorder of Narcissistic. If you already possess this Disorder than lower your Humanity by 1.

Masters of the Seal

The tribe's most secret camp, the Masters of the Seal are thieves, dispatched to steal the most damaging and most useful secrets from the other tribes.
  • Bonus: Add a 1 Point Bonus to all Social rolls relating to Manipulation when interacting with other Garou.
  • Negative: Your Honor rating is capped at 4.

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