Fire storms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Shadowfire | World Anvil

Fire storms

Across Mortugurra and The Desolation of Ghul Drazul the hellish conditions often erupt in huge storms of fire and molten sand that scour the landscape and any unfortunate enough to find themselves in their path.   A fire Storm is fed by the sand storms that move sunward across the plains of Ardi-Kokufa where they pick up their material. The are seen as numerous hurricanes of sand that twist into the sky as they meander their way Sunside. These storms can even block the sunlight, but within their dark and twisting bodies can be seen sheet lightning crackling across the churning clouds within.   As the storms progress sunside, they collide and join together and the lightning will spark the floating sands they carry. This causes explosions that chain across the sky, turning the sands to molten glass. Some of the glass then solidfies as it comes in contact with the cooler upper atmosphere and will fall as hailstones made of pure glass to whip around the twisters and shatter upon the ground.   But the worst is yet to come.   As the storms coelsce and finally hit the edges of the Great Rift at the heart of the Desolation, the chaos will cause immense backlashes that jetison vast amounts molten rock, burning sand and glass through the upper atmpshere and back towards Shadowside. This is where the falling hail and molten glass cause even more damage.   Most firestorms are contained to the edges of the Desolation, but large events are not uncommon and can extend well across the plains of Mortugurra and the Shatterbright.   In very rare cases, they have been recorded to reach The Gleaming City itself.


The prevailing winds across the planet of Shadowfire normally flow from Shadowside to Sunside. As the cool airs from the Sea of Black Ice are sucked across the deserts of Ardi-Kokufa they pick up sand that continues to heat as the winds carry them further and further towards the Desolation.   Far above them, in the upper atmosphere, the prevailing winds are pushed back towards Shadowside.   Between these two primary layers, lies another layer of constantly churning air currents, fuelled by the cold above and the warm below. This layer is highy charged, with frequent electrical storms that streak across the skies in vast webs of lightning and charged dust particles.   Within the Desolation, surrounding the Great rift itself, is where the winds change their course. This area is a place of churning chaos where the very rocks evaporate into the sky, and a permanent cycline of fire, molten rock and timequakes sits.   These atmospheric phenomena interplay to produce the great Fire storms that are feared even by those who call Mortugurra home.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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