
The condition is one of the more serious risks associated with the practise of Blood magic and is caused by overabundance of Uhd within the practitioner. The blood becomes saturated with the magical element which crystalises within the veins and arteries of the victim. If not alleviated quickly, it can cause swift death through blood clotting, strokes or heart attacks.   Hemolithiasis is most commonly experienced by blood mages who draw in too much magical energy from externals sources such as Blood Thralls without releasing the forces in time. It is also a common cause of death during failed symbiosis with Klomerati tendrils. It has also been associated with overdoses of Zikiti Crabs, although such incidences are extremely rare.


Early signs of over-abundance of uhd are immense feelings of euphoria and a sense of invincibility which can seriously cloud judgement.   Symptoms that crystalisation has started included pins and needles and numbness in the extremeties, followed by aching cramps in the arms and legs and finally dizziness and fainting.   By the time the crystals have become major obstructions in the veins and arteries, the victim will often epxerience heart failure or a stroke, and by then it is usually too late.


The condition is often fatal, but early intervention can save the sufferer. Treatment for Hemalithiasis involves a magical healer able to siphon away excess Uhd from the victim, while also surgical removing obstructions from within their body. This must be performed quickly, and in desperate cases, people have been known to perform amputations of affected limbs in order to prevent crystal clots from spreading to vital organs.


The most obvious rpeventative measure is the abstinence of any sort of blood magic that draws in external sources of Uhd into the practitioners body.   However, experienced practitioners of blood magic know the early warning signs of hemalithiasis and know that the best course of action is to release the energy stored before is ossifies in the blood stream. Unfortunately, often the urgent need for the additional magical power combined with the impaired judgement caused by the overbundance of uhd can easily lead to poor outcomes, even among the most experienced. Blood magic involving external sources of uhd is a dangerous game.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Jan 23, 2023 07:47 by Ruben Van Den Broucke

great article, but especially loving the s(l)ick clean design! 10/10

Jan 29, 2023 23:27 by Tim Day

Thank you! :-)