Isulo - harbour masters

Some of the most powerful individuals across The Icerunners Guild network are the harbour masters, known collectively as the Isulo. These individuals are employed, openly or otherwise, by the Chambers of the guild to control access to the various ports that the Guild members visit. While at any port, captains of Guild Ships are under their command, and are given priveleges to the best berths and warehouses as a result.   The Isulo are as much spymasters and bullyboys as they are merchants, often resorting to tactics of bribery, blackmail, intimidation or even outright violence and assassinations to keep control over the ports with the Guild. Many will have deep connections to the criminal underworld, where they facilitate and control both legal and illegalk trade activitity   In the larger ports of the Protectorates, the Isulo are feted by the official leadership of the Lords, The Ministry and The Academy. The Isulo at Helton, Edion Da Vigo is an open advisor to the Lord Protector, while others keep their influence less obvious.  

The Isulo of Runners End

The most powerful of the Isulo, Kedra Blacksalt manages the harbour at Runners End. She commands the loyalty of the workers across the home port of the Icerunner's guild, and maintains influence over the many of the other Isulo across the globe. Many believe she may also be the head of The League of Shadows, and with it access to one of the most extensive criminal networks across the Protectorates. Even if untrue, at her word all work across the many ports that the Guild relies on can stop. She has only exercised this power once, and almost sent eh Chambers broke as a result.


Each Isulo is nominated by their peers, and anointed by agreement from the Chambers. in practice this requires years of experience managing the affairs of the port they are assigned, and the contacts, wealth and loyalty required to maintain discipline and cooperation across the Guild's network.   Each Isulo will manage this in their own particular style. Some will favour aggressive stand-over tactics or intimidation, while others will seek to persuade with bribery and kick-backs and still others will seek out secrets for black mail or to embarrass and shame their opposition. All will need to be able to call upon muscle from time to time, especially in the locations Sunside where their hold on the docks of Kukutana and The Gleaming City is much more tenuous.


The primary duty of the Isulo is to secure and maintain access to ports and the markets for the Chambers of The Icerunners Guild. When their ships come to dock, they must have the prime location within the harbours. When they offload their produce, the most secure and well-appointed warehouses, and when they make their deals, they must have the most advantagsous bargaining position.   Ensuring these is the reason for the Isulo's position, and the Chambers pay for the privilege.
Form of Address
The title "Sul" is often used as a signifier of an Isulo's position.
Length of Term
Related Locations
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Cover image: by Midjourney


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