While chilling at a sports bar in Amsterdam, the runners are approached by a member of the Dutch Penose that hands them a commlink with an open videocall. The woman on the other greets the runners with a smile and says she asked her footsoldier contact to find her a crew to hire.
She explains she would like the runners to investigate the surroundings of a small farm in Fryslân. The farmer livestreams on Persona 2.0 and Ms. Johnson 'happened to watch the stream' when she noticed something weird. She'll pay the runners daily and extra for milestones. Her one and only condition is that they use the commlink to livestream their investigation. A group of Coyotes will ship them and their gear across, so they won't have to deal with too many roads.
Birth Year
FarmDad / Pops
Pops is a stubborn Frisian running a farm on a Terp, an artificial hill, as his ancestors did long before him. His wife works in the nearby city of Franeker while he makes a living growing crops and livestock. He complements their limited income with daily livestreams on Persona 2.0 under the alias FarmDad. Part of his streams involves maintenance of his storm bunkers.
Recently a Toxic Shaman has been growing in strength nearby, practicing their techniques by causing bad weather and sending out spirits to scout Franeker. Pops's geese noticed these spirits, causing them to behave strangely. Ms. Johnson then saw this unnatural behavior and became paranoid that they might have noticed a threat to her favorite pastime. As such, she decided to hire runners to investigate the area around the farm.
The Run
As a stream VIP, Ms. Johnson easily convinced Pops to let the runners in. He provides them with masks for both privacy and because the geese are trained to ignore people wearing those masks. They can stay in the greenhouse and get viewing rights on all security cameras. However, while Ms. Johnson is fair, she also is impatient. She pressures the team to hurry with their investigation. The runners can talk to the local militia or the people of Franeker to get hints, but this requires a slow ride by car over a poorly maintained road covered in toxic slick. Additionally, the Toxic Wastelands make magic hard to perform, while freak storms can come out of nowhere. But as they ask around, they soon find out the weather has been acting stranger than normal.8 Karma
Word on the street
"So I just happened to chance upon a farm stream and noticed the geese were acting strangely. I'd like you to make contact with Pops, uh, FarmDad, and investigate the area. I'll pay you every day, plus a bonus for special discoveries."
"Outsiders?! Oh wait, those masks. You Pops's guests? Welcome."
"You're not from around here, right? Best be careful, those storms can come out of nowhere. They keep appearing nowadays."
"What was that?! All I could see was the water attack you! Glad the bullets worked!"