
In Neo-Tokyo's shadow-streaked world, Ingamono, once a high-flying corporate executive, now operates in the shadows as a fixer known as B-san, or "the unlucky guy." His fall from corporate grace to disgrace has led him to navigate the city's underbelly, utilizing his vast network and insider knowledge to orchestrate shadowruns against lesser-known corporations. This shift from power broker to a pivotal shadow figure highlights his survival and adaptability in a world that often equates failure with dishonor. Despite the stigma attached to his new alias, B-san leverages his corporate acumen and street savvy to impact the complex interplay of corporate and political warfare in Shadowrun's Sixth World. His story is not just one of downfall but of resilience and an unwavering pursuit of redemption, marking him as a testament to the fluid nature of power and identity in the shadows.
StreetName: Ingamono
Name: Hiro Garashi
Metatype: Human (Japanese)
Potential Jobs: B Rated Corporations, rarely A Rated Corporations
Connection Rating: 6+


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