Mitsuhama Computer Technology

No corporation symbolizes Japan’s political, economic, and military might better than Toshiro Mitsuhama’s corporate goliath. Gargantuan MCT mining drones tear mineral wealth from the earth in Japanese colonies, MCT smart-tanks fly the Japanese flag overseas, MCT automated streetcleaners clear Tokyo streets at night and press outlets spew little more than Japanacorp propaganda. As a result, no corporation was more insulted by—or stood to lose more from—Emperor Yasuhito’s policy of economic and social reform than Mitsuhama. As Japan softens its militarism, Mitsuhama loses contracts, and when Japan loses colonies, Mitsuhama loses money.
Mitsuhama is all business. Renraku’s disagreements with the Emperor are largely cultural and philosophical. For Mitsuhama, Japanese imperialism is just part of the bottom line.
— Rigger X
Mitsuhama is so deeply entrenched in the Japanese imperial military that it’s almost impossible to separate the two. Many of Mitsuhama’s executives are retired generals, and most of the Diet’s right-wing nationalists go into lobbying for Mitsuhama when their terms are up. Mitsuhama is the most blatant force opposing the Emperor: backing opposition Diet candidates, running negative political campaigns, and even assassinating vocal supporters of the Emperor (if the rumors are to be believed) are all part of their efforts.
Mitsuhama will use the Yaks or deniables to take out the Emperor’s friends and allies. But for the rare hard target, deeply secretive military operations have been arranged, led by Mitsuhama company men. I’d be surprised if they haven’t already drawn up fifteen different scenarios on how to take Japan by military coup.
— Yankee
Mitsuhama’s ties with the Yakuza go a lot deeper than just using the Yaks as street muscle. More on that later.
— Mihoshi Oni
Half the drones and vehicles (what’s the difference these days?) you see on the streets of Neo-Tokyo are made by Mitsuhama, as is the most cheap and popular commlink for kids, the most popular search engine, and practically any focus or fetish you see a wagemage sporting.
And they’re pushing to be the number one cyborg company. They’ve announced a new iteration of their Otomo anthroform drones and their cerebral containment unit technology. The cyborg technology is still only open to limited markets with huge bank accounts, but the Imperial Military is already the largest customer and has at least one Cyborg Tactical Unit.
— Sounder

AAA Corporation

Controlled Territories


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