Neo-Tokyo Metropolitan Police

Despite the massive megacorporate influence in Neo-Tokyo, the city uses a regular metropolitan police force rather than contracted security like Lone Star or Knight Errant. Partly this is to prevent the sort of corporate in-fighting and one-upmanship rife among North American contractors, but mostly it is because the Neo-Tokyo Metropolitan Police are a point of pride for the local citizenry. In addition to being more highly trained than your local Lone Star officer, the NTMP are equipped with top-of-the-line gear from megacorporate donations, and each one is incredibly loyal to the metroplex and the Japanese Imperial State. It’s small wonder that Neo-Tokyo has a much lower crime rate than Seattle despite having a police force of comparable size.
Of course, that’s glossing over some of the finer details. The NTMP makes extensive use of drones and robots for routine traffic control and other routine duties, and a state-of-the-art communication and surveillance system (POLNET) allows police riggers to oversee and direct officers from the distinctive beehive-shaped police stations in each ward.
In addition, the police commanders have extensive dealings with the local community, particularly local priests, heads of corporate security, and Yakuza oyabun. The police respect megacorporate extraterritoriality, the sanctity of shrines and temples, and the nawabari of the Yakuza gumi. In exchange, the corps are very good about exchanging prisoners and respecting local jurisdictions, the priests lend mystical expertise against Awakened threats, and the Yakuza cooperate to capture violent criminals in order to save face.
Of course, things aren’t always perfect. Sometimes the Yakuza go to war and the streets run with blood, or escalating conflict between competing megacorps leads to high-profile extractions and murder. In many such cases, the NTMP steps in as an arbiter for the dispute, attempting to reconcile both sides. More often than not, they are successful at keeping the peace.


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