Renraku Computer Systems

Renraku manages the data that allows Neo-Tokyo to function; the corporations and government exchange data that Renraku stores over the back-end telecommunications hardware that Renraku owns, sift ing through it with soft ware Renraku developed. Then there is the cutting-edge nanotechnology and cybertechnology being tested in Chiba, new ‘ware that won’t hit the streets for another decade.
Renraku compiles and analyzes most of the data collected by Neo-Tokyo’s swarm of RFID tags. If I weren’t totally paranoid about my tags, Renraku would probably know when I woke up this morning, what I ate for breakfast, and what clothes I’m wearing.
— Axis Mundi
Don’t be ridiculous. Everyone knows MCT is the primary harvester of personal and consumer data in Neo-Tokyo.
— Baka Dabora
Renraku is easily one of the most visible of the Japanacorps, with its logo displayed prominently on the hundreds of millions of tags throughout Neo-Tokyo, and a very subtle but ideologically aggressive ad campaign centered around its support of Japanese religion, culture, and education.
Don’t forget youth culture. Renraku has pioneered datajacks and commlinks for kids as young as six years old, and consistently has three to five entries in the top twenty Matrix games.
— Clockwork
As a megacorp, Renraku maintains a conservative business culture. Anyone who is not purely human, purely Japanese, and male fights an uphill battle within the corporation, and loyalty to superiors is extreme and unwavering. The progressive, populist agenda of the Emperor chafes against Renraku’s ideals, which has led to Renraku quietly backing opposition to the throne in the Japanese Diet.
Investment firms take the place of major shareholders in Renraku. The shares are spread thin among many people (which is why Renraku is sometimes called “the People’s Megacorp”), but the firms often represent large chunks of shareholders and have enough influence to speak their thoughts to the board. Sadly, most of the shareholders have no clue what message their firm is taking to the board, and they don’t tend to care unless their shares drop in value.
— Janus
AAA Corporation


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