Yakashima Corporation

Like Monobe before it, Yakashima sits on the threshold between being an AA and true mega. Based in Yokohama, away from the skyrakers of Nishi-Shinjuku, Yakashima is a spotlight corporation. They host the annual world conference on genetics, which attracts top scientists from universities and corporations alike. They also own several Neo-Tokyo landmarks, including the Neo-Tokyo Contemporary Art Museum and the Neo-Tokyo Botanical Gardens, which is known for its awakened flora. For a time Yakashima was called the Blue Rose Corporation in commemoration of their early breakthrough work in agricultural reengineering. The ag-bio and pharmaceuticals corporation has moved on to trying to genetically engineer awakened flora.
I thought Awakened plants couldn’t be genetically engineered.
— Sticks
It’s not that you can’t, it’s just that mucking with metagenes tends to be difficult and the results are often nonviable. Yakashima’s trying to isolate the parts that make those plants Awakened. In the meantime, they get around the problem areas by applying old-school low-tech methods like crosspollination and grafting to produce novel plant products.
— The Smiling Bandit
Yakishima is a family-owned zaibatsu run by Hiroshi Yakashima. He’s getting on in years and there is some question as to who will take over the corporation when he passes. The clear frontrunner is Hiromi Yakashima, one of two daughters and the youngest of his seven children. She’s been the COO for the past four years and shows the business acumen to lead the corporation. However, her brothers have used both her gender and sexual orientation as reasons she shouldn’t be in charge.
The youngest of the boys, Kisho, shunned the spotlight for membership in the Shotozumi-rengo. He still keeps in contact with his sisters, but the decision to lead a life of crime drove a wedge between him and his brothers.
— Mihoshi Oni
I’ve heard rumors that Kisho and Dai have a particularly … close relationship.
— Baka Dabora

AA Corporation


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