Fuchi Industrial Electronics Organization in Shadowrun: Seattle 2050 | World Anvil
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Fuchi Industrial Electronics

Fuchi Industrial Electronics is a defunct AAA megacorporation that specialized in Computers and Matrix technology. Many of the universal standards of the Matrix and cyberterminal construction were created by Fuchi or Fuchi subsidiaries, and the name has become synonymous with Matrix technology. Fuchi was well-known to be an alliance between three different and powerful factions, the Nakatomi, the Yamana, and the Villiers families, who walked a thin line between success and self-destruction. It was a merger that was too good to last, and the inter-corporate conflict within Fuchi is still being played out to this day.


The beginnings of Fuchi Industrial Electronics were in the merger between Dekita Industries (owned by Nakatomi) and Yamana Electronics (founded by Korin Yamana). Yamana Electronics acted as a white knight on the behalf of Dekita Industries to prevent a hostile takeover by the Pacific Rim Bank in 2011, shortly after the Awakening. When Nakatomi tried to buy back the Dekita stock from Yamana, Yamana refused and suggested an alliance for mutual protection and benefit. Despite the conflict and friction between the two companies and their owners, the alliance proved to be fruitful as both companies played to each other's strengths and weaknesses. In 2017, the company formally merged into Fuchi Industrial Electronics, while spreading out into North America, Hawai'i, Australia, and Hong Kong. In the late 2020s, Fuchi's focus turned toward cyberterminals. Before the Crash Virus hit, Fuchi developed, with aid from Chobetsu Japanese Intelligence, one of the first privately designed cyberterminals. After the Crash Virus and the demonstration of the power of cyberterminals by Echo Mirage, Fuchi executives were determined to perfect and exploit this cutting edge technology.   Along comes Richard Villiers, a corporate raider who had recently acquired desk-sized cyberterminal technology from Ken Roper and Michael Eld, two of the deckers from Echo Mirage. When Roper and Eld both died under mysterious circumstances in 2034 shortly after the development of the Portal, Villiers became the sole owner of Matrix Systems. All of the associated assets and research behind the Portal disappeared, apparently in the hands of Richard Villiers.   A month after the closure of Matrix Systems, Villiers approached Fuchi Industrial Electronics, then the world's foremost computer research corporation. He offered the Portal technology for one third ownership of Fuchi, and control of all North and South American Fuchi operations. He also offered his considerable corporate assets along with the deal. Korin Yamana was all for the deal, but Kiyoshi Nakatomi vetoed the arrangement, remembering the Dekita buyout and betrayal. Three days after the proposition, Nakatomi was murdered by his limo driver, and Shikei Nakatomi inherited the Nakatomi portion of Fuchi. Villiers repeated his offer, and it was accepted, giving each family, Yamana, Nakatomi, and Villiers, roughly one-third control of Fuchi.   In 2036, Fuchi releases its first cyberterminal, the CDT-1000. It was widely successful, and vaulted Fuchi to dominance of the computer market and toward Megacorporation status. In 2038, Richard Villiers purchased a majority of JRJ International stock and thus purchased a seat in the Corporate Court, making Fuchi a Triple-A Megacorporation.
Rating AAA  
World Headquarters
Tokyo, Japan  
Richard Villiers  
Chairman of the Board
Corporate Status
Major Shareholders
  • Richard Villiers: 35%
  • Shikei Nakatomi: 32%
  • Korin Yamana: 30%
  • Samantha Villiers: 2%


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