Hiden Intelligence Corporation Organization in Shadowrun: Seattle 2050 | World Anvil
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Hiden Intelligence Corporation

The Hiden Intelligence Corporation is arguably the world's foremost purveyor of Skillsofts, Knowsofts, and Autosoft programs.   Their Chairman and founder, Korenosuke Hiden, is a futurist and dreamer. He formed the Hiden Group in 2027 to pursue his dream of creating a world where advanced AI and robots liberated mankind from its dependencies on manual labor.   When the Crash Virus ravaged global internet infrastructure in 2029, the Hiden Group was uniquely unaffected, due to the highly quarantined computer systems they employ. No Hiden Group mainframe exists on a global network - only internal and local networks are used.   As a result, Hiden alone survived among Japanese robotics firms with its data and networks intact.   In 2032, Hiden purchased the remaining assets of ten of its former competitors in the robotics industry, becoming the premier name in Japanese automation.   In January of 2042, Korenosuke Hiden's son, daughter-in-law, and grandson were slain in a head on collision with a drunk driver. Since that time, the chairman has become increasingly withdrawn from society - preferring to deal with others through automated surrogates. He has not been seen in public since 2045, though this hasn't slowed the influx of cash into R&D of various advanced projects under his direct supervision.   The Hiden Intelligence Corporation has not release a revolutionary new product since 2041, and has instead focused on iterating upon its earlier products - particularly Autosofts for drones and vehicles.   In 2050, a rival UCAS corporation, Bergen Robotics, released the Libra Series Androids in partnership with Ares Macrotechnology .   The release of this new technology has many market watchers believing Hiden's days at the top of the bipedal robotics and semi-autonomous intelligence fields are numbered.

For All Humankind

World Headquarters
Tokyo, Japan  
Korenosuke Hiden  
Chairman of the Board
Jun Fukuzoe  
Corporate Status
Major Shareholders
  • Korenosuke Hiden (approx. 51.1%)
  • Damien Knight (approx. 23.7%)
  • Nadja Daviar (approx. 12.2%)


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