Lofwyr Character in Shadowrun: Seattle 2050 | World Anvil
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Lofwyr is a Great Western Dragon. His scale coloration is gold. He is primarily known for being the solitary owner of Saeder-Krupp and thus the wealthiest individual on Earth. His main residence is located within Saeder-Krupp arcology in Essen, Germany. He prefers a metahuman form of a Caucasian human with long steel-grey hair and golden eyes. He is the owner of the Jewel of Memory, an artifact that is significant to dragonkind in some way. His name is respected and feared all over the world, and it is his plots and actions that inspired the saying, "Never deal with a Dragon".   He has had a long-standing (albeit one-sided) conflict with former BMW chairwoman Wilhelmina Graff-Beloit, who had a massive stroke on the same day Nachtmeister and Lofwyr battled over Frankfurt. Graff-Beloit died six months later. It is rumored that Johnny Spinrad is continuing her crusade against him.   Recently, increasing evidence is pointing to Lofwyr being the secret overlord of the Italian-German Mafia crime syndicate of the Gasperi family.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lofwyr awakened in March 2012 at Mauserberg near the Dauner Maare in the Eifel region. Unlike other German dragons, he talked his way past the military forces sent to secure the area. In May 2012, he steps into a fight between the dragons Nebelherr and Kaltenstein, siding with the former, thus preventing rescue of Feuerschwinge from SOX. In 2036, Lofwyr accepts a seat on Tir Tairngire's Council of Princes, a position that he kept until June 2062.   In August 2035, Lofwyr steps forward as the majority shareholder of the BMW/Krupp empire. He incorporates several other corporations in the following years to form Saeder-Krupp.   In 2042, his Mauserberg lair was destroyed during the eruptions of the Eifel volcanoes, and he subsequently moved into the Saeder-Krupp headquarters in the Rhine-Ruhr Megaplex.
Current Residence
Saeder-Krupp arcology, Essen, Germany
Gray (in meta-human form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian (in meta-human form)
6'8" (in meta-human form)
Aligned Organization


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