Shiawase Organization in Shadowrun: Seattle 2050 | World Anvil
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Shiawase Corporation (シアワセ, "happiness"), headquartered in Osaka, Japan, is the eighth largest corporation in the world and the largest Japanese corporation. It is generally considered the first megacorporation, defined by the Shiawase Decision in 2001. It was founded by the Shiawase family (幸 or 倖) in post-WWII Japan, and to the current day, it remains a family-owned corporation.


In 1989 Emori Shiawase assumed control of the Shiawase enterprise, and led it into Shiawase's Golden Age. Upon his death in 2019, he became idolized as Shiawase's patron spirit. This is important because Shiawase is, oddly enough, a really religious (Shinto) corporation. So the kami, or ancestor spirits, are of immense importance to them. In 2027, Shiawase acquired the patent to a functioning and profitable nuclear fusion reactor. This quickly helped push Shiawase into the forefront of the energy game and was the start of Shiawase Atomics. The head of Shiawase Atomics was Sadato Shiawase, and within a short six years he rose to power and assumed the position of CEO. This, in no way, pleased everyone in the Shiawase family. Most notably Sadato's elder sister, Soko.   By his order in 2035, the Marketing Information and Forecasting Department (MIFD) was created. This innocuous sounding division was established as a corporate espionage/counter espionage division that also tracked profitable market trends for Shiawase to capitalize on.   For almost a dozen years, Shiawase laid low and raked in record profits. Then seemingly out of nowhere in 2049, Sadato had the fiance of his eldest sister (Soko) arrested for the trumped up charge of espionage. This angered Soko to the point she sent assassins after Sadato. Sadato managed to survive the initial attack, and began feuding privately with his sister. This came to abrupt end in 2050 when a fuel-air bomb meant to kill Sadato, instead kills sibling between Soko and Sadato, Ryoi.   This brought an end to hostilities between the siblings. They banded together to override the will of Ryoi and had his shares placed under the control of a hired medium name Jerri Howard, who claimed to be in communion with Ryoi's kami. This unstable trinity of power lasted for just over a decade. Howard played the swing vote on the board that kept the two siblings in check.

Advancing Life

Rating AAA #8  
World Headquarters
Osaka, Japan  
Tadashi Shiawase  
Chairman of the Board
Sadato Shiawase  
Corporate Status
Major Shareholders
  • Sadato Shiawase (13%)
  • Tadashi Shiawase (11%)
  • Sako Shiawase (10%)
  • Ryoi Shiawase (10%)
  • Korin Yamana (8%)
  • Reiko Shiawase-Shimada (<3%)


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