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Ms. Mae Hannah Wilson-Hancock (a.k.a. Agitator)

Written by: Null Kit

  It isn't common for people to take to criminal activity towards altruistic ends, even less so for those people to survive and even attain to power. Mae Wilson-Hancock, owner and proprietor of Mae's Grub-Hub, is one such example, having rose from a blue-collar criminal with anarchist principals to an information-broker holding onto passionate and romanticised notions of worker's rights, collective bargaining and a warm meal being something given to the common man unconditionally instead of witheld as an incentive to toil away on behalf of their employers. Were she to shed these naiveties that leave her so open to manipulation, she might one day be more than a fixer on the lower-end of the food chain.
Overt cynicism and contrarianism don't count as a personality, sugar!
— Honest Angie
But I digress. In spite of this, the woman who unironically calls herself Agitator, if nothing else, is not to be underestimated. Most of Raleigh's other power-players are content with ignoring what they see as another irrelevant soapbox socialist shouting into the void, but in doing so they ignore an unusually capable catalyst of activity in Raleigh's working class communities, one who is often first to catch wind of what goes on in the shadows from her robust network of workers that all too well understand the concept of 'see all, hear all, say nothing'.   Agitator is usually resistant to employ Shadowrunners whose scruples do not significantly conform to her own, but understands the need for professionalism enough to make exceptions when the need arises. Most tasks are personal favors from the fixer herself in an optimistic attempt at improving things for the so-called proletariat, but some are from the minds of the enviromentalists, unionists and eco-terrorists that need individuals like Ms. Wilson-Hancock to be their middle-man. I advise that you ask for payment up-front.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Unfortunately, not much to report here. Mae's physique is what you'd expect from a well-fed cook, and aside from an implanted Datajack (courtesy of our Frangelico), she posesses no notable modification or medical anomalies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mae Wilson-Hancock does a lot to obfusicate her early history, but numerous run-ins with local law-enforcement and the occasional newsblogger have rendered such attempts for naught. Born to first-generation migrant Andrew Willson-Hancock and to the late Mallory Wilson-Hancock Née Marquez, Mae's hostility towards the megacorporate corpus began at a young age when several acquaintences of hers were declared 'collateral damage' in Lone Star's less-than-stellar handling of a botched datasteal. This attitude inevitably led to Mae involving herself in petty-crime and participation in activist circles, tolerated by the corporations and their apathy towards the feelings of 'little people' but less so by her family, who considered her activities detrimental to their continued citizenship in the CAS.   This would eventually culminate in Mae's arrest in 2068, for her involvement in so-called 'Project Ding-Dong', where several activists illegally exhumed and desecrated the remains of Roy Earlson, a former governor or North Carolina who advocated for deregulation of megacorporations in the early 21st century. Mae herself only served six months and community-service for acting as a spotter for the perpetrators, and was commended by like-minded activists for participating in the first place, but effectively blacklisted her for any significant employment opportunities in the majority of Raleigh workplaces, forcing her to take employment at the family-business, Hugh's Grub-Hub, despite her dislike of the shop's cuisine.   When the restaurant's current owner was arrested for violently confronting a loan-shark looking to collect, Mae reluctantly took the reigns of the business in lack of a better option. Even with the help of her father (already suffering from the symptoms of early-onset alzheimers and thus not ready or willing to take back ownership of the business himself), balancing the needs of the shop with her own personal life proved difficult, and only got worse when compatriots of the afformanted loan-shark began making demands and threats of Mae.   Fortunately, Mae was neither alone nor helpless in this situation. Not all of her friends from her life as an activist were mere protestors or petty-criminals, some in fact veered into the territory of being career-criminals or outright ecoterrorists, and were willing to help Mae's business out despite their reservations with capitalism, so long as Mae was willing to help out in return. Mae accepted, and the danger of the usurious lenders quickly and violently dissapeared.   In exchange for this protection, Mae was asked to help out various activist-groups within the Raleigh area, as well as conform the business to certain 'ethical' constraints. Many of these were mostly benign, such as offering free meals to the poor or hiring on SINless, but others were far more contrary to the law and to societal norms: Plans for unlawful activity and disruptive grassroots movements were made in the restaurant booths, known fugitives were hidden in back rooms, and various flavores of career-criminals and even the occasional Shadowrunner became semi-regular customers as illicit jobs requiring expert talent began to come in, all with Mae herself acting as the lynchpin and organiser.   Initially, Mae was reluctant to involve herself in such things. But in the aftermath of one of the first shadowruns plotted from inside the eatery's insect-farm, which led to the tragic demise of a local industrialist and his enviromentally-unsound plans, she took a shining to her new duties. Taking on the alias of Agitator, she put as much work in organising these clandestine acts of ecoterrorism as she did in keeping the business afloat.   Either way, business has never been better.


High-School graduate and two correspondence-courses in business.


Owner and head-cook of Mae's Grub-Hub.

Personality Characteristics


Despite reservations and expectations stemming from her current choice of means, it would seem that Agitator is legitimate about her desires for ground-up social upheaval. To what ends, I can only speculate.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Agitator's organisational skills as a fixer and business owner are her primary forte, showing consistent ability in formulating profitable and attention grabbing ploys using what many would consider to be underprepared means to do so, and managing to obfusicate her involvement in such matters to a degree that only dedicated info-gatherers can piece together her association without being outright told. Despite a respectable degree of aptitude in navigating Raleigh's underworld however, her true achilles' heel is her inability to think like a criminal, or at least one that doesn't share her sense of ethics, and fails to consider how the unpredictability of outside elements such as a self-serving outlaw or a good-samaritan corpsec can affect the outcome of her plans.
European Caucasian
Current Location
Year of Birth
2049 31 Years old
Warsaw, Poland
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
161 lbs.
Known Languages
English, Polish, Spanish
Connection Rating


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