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DJ Rum Twister

Mr. Angustias Hermoso

Written by: Tahoma

  Pirate Radio and broadcasts are nothing new - they've been around since the airwaves were regulated, and it looks like they'll be sticking around for the forseeable future - but most such stations tend to be on the smaller scale of broadcasting. We're all familiar with the image of a guy in his garage talking conspiracies and blasting bootlegs through a tricked out CB, after all. But every now and then you get a guy who wants to hit a bigger audience than a neighborhood or two, someone who wants everyone in the area to know their opinion on whatever topical interest hits their desk, and those people get a little more adventurous with their setups.   For Raleigh, the face of that idea is one DJ Rum Twister, a paranoid and SINless Paraguayan who's made his talk of government/corp conspiracies and the happenings of the The Concrete Forest the business of anyone smart enough to hook onto his encrypted signal in the public grid.
Needless to say, it's worth hooking into his broadcasts if you ever have to go into the Forest. It's mostly conspiracy drek, but he's also your only warning if a go-gang's about to drop hell on your block.
— Null Kit

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Only speculation on this end, but the DJ mentioned having some mil-spec reflex enhancement 'ware from his old career still ticking away in him. Our in-house Frangelico reckons it's an Azzie 'Segador NR-1' setup, which if that's the case would explain why he's allegedly gotten a lot 'twitchier' as of late.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There's a rumor going around that Rummy used to be at RUG 107.9 station back when it was a legitimate, poorly managed radio-station, but that's only half true: His real name is Angustias Hermoso, and while he did visit the station before it went under, he did it while wearing a balaclava and waving an automatic rifle in everyone's face. That's right, he was a member of the Morales Cartel, an Aztlan-based group which briefly operated in parts of Raleigh for around the same time as RUG.   So Hermoso once drunkenly mumbled one early morning broadcast (and never spoke about again), him and the other guy involved in the incident that shut down the station explicitely did what they did without checking it out with the higher-ups in the cartel, on the logic that they should shut down the tell-all broadcast on their illegal activities as soon as possible as well as send a message. As you'd expect, this didn't go over so well with the cartel, whose situation had now escalated from having the cops twigged onto one of their ops to a radio-personality killed live on air.
The 'personlity' in question, Niko Styles, was pretty calm about the whole thing, even when the barrel was pointed at his face. Guess he must've knew what he was getting into...
— Anonymous poster
Hermoso's partner in crime ended up killed and found in the same overpass as Alex Norman's body, while Hermoso cut his losses and went into hiding. For a few years after that, Hermoso was a ghost lurking in and around the SINless hangouts of Raleigh, wisely keeping his head down, and once the Forestvile project got canned and gave Raleigh the The Concrete Forest, he was one of the first and few people to migrate into there of his own volition. Life was tough for Hermoso, but cartel soldiers like himself know how to live it rough, and he managed to eke out a cosy little life in the barrens until the Morales eventually cut their losses and left Raleigh entirely.   Hermoso eventually made his way back to the scene of the crime, the long-abandoned RUG 107.9 station. The place was nothing special, but its sentimental value (for lack of a better term) and defensible living-spaces led to Hermoso claiming the place as his own, setting up long-term living arrangements in the highest floors and rudimentary defences on the ground. With little else to do with his spare time, Hermoso started tinkering with the heavier electonics that were left behind in the original move-out, and eventually got a working connection to the public grid through it.   The rest is history. Reluctant communications with the outside world turned into Hermoso ranting to nobody in particular about everything that ticked him off that day with the occasional break of pirated music. When he realised people were actually listening to his rants, he took up the name DJ Rum Twister, allegedly after a mixed drink he enjoyed in Raleigh back in the day, and made arrangements with a local mage-gang to keep the place safe and populated in return for occasional air-time. Nowadays, the good DJ's a sort of barrens 'news' cast, ironically doing the same thing old Jerry Rockfield did in commentating on whatever turf-war or shootout was happening in the barrens like it was a game of baseball.   He still takes some time to complain about corps putting stuff in the water, mind you.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Despite having no training or history with disk-jockeying whatsoever, Hermoso seems to be a natural at the job, keeping a steady underground following of listeners through his insanely fast-paced reading of dubiously-true news, arguments with callers and constantly updated playlist of Mexican (and Brazilian) pop-music. Too bad he wasn't as good a Sicario as he was a DJ, or maybe it's a good thing...
Current Location
Year of Birth
2050 30 Years old
Black, Prosthetic
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
179 lb.
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English, Spanish
Ruled Locations
Connection Rating


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