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Honest Angie

Ms. Angelina Evelyn Burnett (a.k.a. Honest Angie)

Written by: Coupe

  'I didn't want to break the law, I'm a victim of circumstance!'   We've all heard that song and dance, seems like every slot on god's green earth who gets rumbled by the cops or steps in the wrong gang's turf had no choice in where their life led them, that it's society's fault that they got caught hocking counterfeit commlinks to get their fix of Nanohi. But wouldn't you know it, every now and then someone comes along who can actually say it and mean it!   Angelina Burnett's the current owner and proprietor of Honest Angie's Drone Sales & Repair in southeast Raleigh. Now she'd prefer to just be a cute troll who makes an honest living selling domestic and commercial drones, but due to circumstances that were legitimately out of her control, she's unwillingly found herself and her shop the place to be for less-than-legal parts and modifications to our automated proxies. It's hard to tell what's left of her original personality from the chipper personasoft she's got running nearly 24/7 to deal with her present situation, but she's reliable enough to be a pretty swell asset. Right now, her shop's in the control of one of Raleigh's local Undzer Shtik, but they're tolerant of folk coming across and patronizing their store.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Angelina was born a human to parents Ross and Shelly Burnett in Minnesota, UCAS, where she was raised in a pretty unremarkable nuclear-family upbringing until she was twelve years old, where the miracle of goblinization descended on her life. If correspondance with the dame herself is anything to go by, Angelina's transformation from a normal human preteen into a hulking troll was surprisingly un-traumatic, in part to Minnesota having surprisingly good metahuman-rights initiatives but mostly because both her parents having shockingly comprehensive family-healthcare plans, courtesy of corporate-citizenship and employment in Shiawase.
I thought we were over Goblinization? Rotten luck, either way...
— Anonymous poster
Angelina's talent for drones and engineering was pretty apparent from a young age, as her bedroom walls would quickly begin to fill up with acolades and trophies ranging from Mini-4WD racing all the way to getting the gold at the 2062 Minneapolis Shiawase Air-Derbie. The last one got her the attention of an Elf gal by the name of Iwamoto Isamu, founder and CEO of a small startup-company called Iwamoto Applied-Robotics.
/Unsurprisingly, Isamu's company was actually a Shiawase-subsidiary from the start, funted on her parents' dime. It just has the appearance of a quirky little indie group by virtue of astroturfing
— Anonymous poster
  Iwamoto wanted Angelina Burnett's talents in drone engineering, and one short lunchbreak and a signed contract later Angelina was on the phone to her parents telling them about her new high-paying job in Raleigh, North Carolina. And to everyone's surprise, Angelina wasn't found a few weeks later chopped up into pieces behind an organ-smuggler's butchery! Instead, she was led to a fancy indoor showroom down in Auburn the back rooms, filled with all the toys a drone engineer could ever want and some very fancy living-space in the floor above. A dream come true for Angelina, who felt she had found where she truly belonged. But of course, if that was the case, she wouldn't have an article on an illicit data-sharing host, would she?   Angelina worked hard in the depths of Isamu's garage, working engineering-wonders with the data supplied by the company's small but suspiciously well-funded R&D team. The fruits of their labours were never game-changers, but they were a collection of small quality-of-life improvements on existing designs and components that riggers these days take for granted, improving instead of innovating. Business wasn't great, between the failure of Forestville's monumental renovation and Crash 2.0 rearing its ugly head, but the only consequence Angelina felt was a few hours of unpaid overtime. In fact, the business still looked and acted like it was flush with cash, even as their product-lines gathered dust in the showroom. But Angelina was content in letting that remain Iwamoto's problem, who fluttered about the shop without a care in the world.   Eventually in the summer of '66, the truth finally came out as to how the place remained economically healthy despite the dwindling business: It wasn't. When the business started hemorrhaging money, Iwamoto was too proud to admit to her parents that the business she started was wheeziig its last breaths, and so she took out a lown through some Shiawase back-channels as a 'stopgap'. And when those loans couldn't be paid, she turned to even shadier sources, the kind that make pretty darn sure that they get paid back with interest. So when those guys came to collect...   Shock and horror, Iwamoto Isamu wasn't at the shop, and neither were the co-workers who actually paid attention to the dire state of affairs, leaving Angelina to walk down into the shop by herself to some very impatient looking guys in fancy suits standing in the showroom. Fortunately, Angelina was still a Troll, and so the initial intimidation didn't make the impression they wanted when the two goons they brought were sent across the showroom floor by a a couple of hysterical haymakers, and with their actual target already halfway to Kyoto, they had to make do with words.   Now the loanshark explained the situation to Angelina, that the shop was in fact in catastrophic debt to the guy and Iwamoto appeared to have made a run for it, leaving Ms. Burnett to deal with the aftermath. But the guy wasn't a monster, he reassured: Despite having debts of his own that needed paying, the guy would make an altruistic exception and give Angelina a chance to get out of trouble real quick, using her own talents in engineering no less. All she had to do was help the loanshark's associates with a few small things, install some 'unregulated' components into some drones, keep a hold of a few things, and in return she'd get the money needed to pay off the debts. They'd even let her live in the shop as she always did!   Well, it's 2080 and wouldn't you know it, the debt's still just not quite paid. The original loanshark died a few years back during an overnight stay at the Universal Omnitech School of Medicine when a bomb went off in one of the backrooms, but his superior, a fixer and member of the Jewish Mob by the name of Eileen Lloyd, quickly picked up where he left off.
Not that it's much consolation to Angie herself, but there's worse people to be in debt to than Lloyd. Sure, she'll call in favors and milk every penny she can like any other loanshark, but she likes to keep things 'professional', eschews broken legs and treating her debtors like slaves.
— Tahoma
Wow, what a saint...
— Anonymous poster
Over the years, Angelina's business has adapted and expanded to fit the demands of her new clientelle, taking the name 'Honest Angie's', and Angelina has adapted herself too: As her way of coping with the situation, Angelina's taken up slotting a Personafix simchip in one of her datajacks, superimposing the kitschy persona of a chipper Minesota saleslady over her own personality during her business-hours, along with saturating the shop in various AR pet-sims, waiting for the day when her debt is finally chipped away entirely.  
I'm putting this down here because I can hide this message from Angie's login, and because my conscience won't have it any other way. I know what you're thinking, and I agree: Angelina's current state of affairs is deplorable, and the sooner it can change the better. From the safety of this hidden data-cache, I'll admit that I'm working on getting Angelina out of this situation without meeting the ire and retribution of Mrs. Lloyd and her powerful associates, but unfortunately, that's gonna take a while. In the mean time, I'm just gonna ask whoever's reading this to treat the poor lady with care, especially if you happen to catch her in her off-hours without her Personafix.
— Barkeep


Angelina graduated valedictorian from Edison High-School, and currently holds a master's degree in Engineering and a Bachelor's in Chemistry


Currently works full-time at Honest Angie's Drone Sales and Repair.
American Caucasian
Current Location
Year of Birth
2044 36 Years old
Minneapolis Minnesota, UCAS
Black, tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
661 lb.
Known Languages
English, Spanish
Connection Rating


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