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Mr. Theodore Lane

Written by: Coupe

  Lazulex! The Azure Avenger! World-infamous underground punk sensation! The most notorious anarchist arcanist, the loudest voice of the people! Have you heard of him? Yeah? No?   Okay, a lot of you probably haven't heard of him, and even if you have it's probably for his rapsheet of anti-corp terrorism and incitement of riots, and that's fair.   So, Lazulex. Used to be called Theodore Lane before he burned his SIN and dyed his whole body blue for reasons nobody still quite understands. Currently the frontman of Goblinpunk band HurtBreeder, but he's been screaming anti-establishment lyrics for any and every band in Raleigh that'll take a dude who'll take a moment from performing throws a jolt of lightning at someone for looking a little too corporate for his tastes. The guy is shamelessly into his accelerationism, shamelessly 'selling out' to anyone with a chequebook while using his profit to support anarchist movements in Raleigh, and gets away with it through Machiavellian plotting and throwing himself so far into the audacity of things that nobody in the public eye is sure if he's a useful idiot or playing some five-dimensional chess for the good of the people.
Corps obviously believe he's a useful idiot, considering there's no short age of subsidiaries paying him off and directing him at other corps. But enough people believe in the whole 'voice of the downtrodden' drek that he's got no shortage of people in Raleigh's underclasses that'll shelter him from the authorities. Me? I think he's just playing both sides for his own gain.
— Null Kit
So what's he doing on this cache? Short answer: Dude's getting tired of riots and small-scale bombins, and he's throwing money, merch and shoutouts at folk like us to drag Raleigh kicking and screaming into an anarchist future. Who knows chummer, maybe if one of us helps him enough, he'll name a song after us next album he drops?
More likely he'll just call for you to be lined up against the wall for being a class traitor, being that he's a cranky asshole who's never satisfied with anything. But keep dreaming buddy.
— Cr4nk

Mental characteristics

Personal history

So Lazulex wasn't always the perpetual-motion enemy of the corps we all know and tolerate him as, obviously. Back before when, young Teddy Lane was born into a family of well-to-do corporate citizens in Saeder-Krupp of all corps. In spite of his magical aptitude being apparent from a young age, Teddy had his heart set on music since he was a kid, and his parents were fine enough with this to sign him up to a local SK media subsidiary to learn how to play and appreciate music in a corp-friendly way, so long as he continues his studies to be a good wage-mage when he grows up.   Sure enough, by seventeen Teddy's band CV-Power had became a hit his home arcology, and his live gigs were something else, mixing music with his own prodigous take on special-effects magic. It was looking like SK were gonna move him into full-time music-maging until his last 'official' gig, where a drug-bust in an adjacent block spilled over into his concert a tenth of the audience got ventilated in the crossfire, along with two of his bandmates. The authorities quickly swept the incident under the rug with some out-of-court settlements and an public 'yeah it happens' not-apology, but just like that, Teddy's faith and trust in the corps vanished in an instant.
Any of you check the trids of what happened that night? The gang getting busted weren't small-timers, they were running a full-on production and smuggling operation right under the arcology's noses. The reason things spilled into the concert was that one of them used a pipe bomb to mousehole away from the pigs, and they were packing some serious heat. Kinda surprising the casualties weren't higher, all things considering.
— Cr4nk
So Teddy went a little off the deep-end afterwards, started going 'undergound' with his music. SK didn't quite get that this wasn't just an aesthetic change and kept his hits circulating until Teddy's next gig came around, where he played trid footage of the above massacre while throwing some different magic in the air, the sort that gets a crowd of disenfranchised kids riled up and ready to heed his order to start a good old-fashioned riot. Granted, they were still mostly just a bunch of kids, but corpsec had to come down hard to get things under control, and enough damage was done that the arcology had to outsource some of its utilities for a couple of years until they could get it all fixed. Teddy meanwhile, slipped out of the arcology in the chaos and made his way to Raleigh, holding nothing but his old bass, a datachip full of archived trid footage and one almighty grudge for what happened when he was 17.   Since then, Teddy's been bouncing between different brands and sponsors, and always managing to duck out of dodge when the law inevitably comes down on him for instigating some sort of chaos in Raleigh. It was around this time that Teddy also got his new persona up and going, taking a full-body dyejob and calling himself 'Lazulex', after the first album put out by CV-Power. He's still technically wanted by Saeder Krupp, along with pretty much every corpsec in Raleigh for all the stunts he's pulled off, but it seems every time a corp gets a bead on him they decide to just hand him some incriminating dirt on someone else along with some sponsor money, and he's back at it again with some new lyrics.
So in other words, this dude's getting away with what he's doing because all the corps are too spiteful and short-sighted to just geek him and get it over with?.
— Vulcan Gravy
A little of that, a little of him being a very difficult dude to track, let-alone kill what with being a mage, and because despite working against eachother, all the corps know better than to give him any leaked info that would actually significantly hurt a major corp's profits. Far as the corps are concerned, he's basically an outlet for the plebs to get a little catharsis and feel like they're rebelling without actually rebelling and occasionally drek up some small-fry competition, dig?
— Cr4nk
And all the public destruction and civil disorder he instigates?
— Null Kit
Rarely leaves the shittier parts of Raleigh, and a little property damage is a small price to pay to get troublemakers caught on camera before they can wreck stuff that belongs to the rich people who matter, omae.
— Cr4nk
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, dyed blue.
Known Languages
English, German
Connection Rating



Elect the Dead

Sender: Agitator
Subject Keywords: Lazulex, Harold Naumann
Recipients: Shadowrunners = ListingEnabled
Job Type: Infection

If you checked the Trids last night, you might have seen Harold Naumann's controversial speech in his bed to be Raleigh's new Sanitation Commissioner. If you didn't, the short of it is that he's basing his campaign on the promise of eradicating a small Ghoul population that are currently squatting in the deeper, more spacious parts of Raleigh's sewer-system, leading to a few lives lost in a messy attempt by some gun-toting citizens to eradicate one such squat. Lazulex has always been open about his support for the HMHVV-positive demographics, and wants to give Naumann a bit of perspective. He's managed to procure a freshly preservered hand from one of the ghouls killed in the afformented incident, and is looking for some "very brave assholes" to break into Naumann's secure penthouse with it and arrange for the commissioner-to-be to come down with a mysterious infection and no idea as to how it happened.


The Cost of My Desire

Sender: Barkeep
Subject Keywords: Lazulex
Recipients: Shadowrunners = ListingEnabled
Job Type: Theft

A couple years back, Lazulex auctioned off an experimental solo album titled 'Justice in Thirty Minutes', the only copy of its kind, for $125,000 to an anonymous socialite, with the contractual stipulation that anybody who stole the album from its current owner through a "succesful caper" would become the new legal owner. Despite this not actually being legally binding, the winner of the auction took the inevitable theft in good humor until it became apparent that Lazulex masterminded the caper himself and stole it back, effectively robbing them of over a hundred-thousand dollars. Mr Johnson is representing the socialite in question, and is offering both substantial monetary payment and "a weekend getaway to one of Horizon's finest spa resorts" for someone to track Lazulex down and remind him that he is also bound by the contractual stipulation.  



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