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Mr. Elmer Juan Flores (a.k.a. Nitro)

I'm pulling in Cr4nk to write this one up. She's one of Nitro's subordinates and owes me a solid.
— Null Kit

Written by: Cr4nk

  Chances are, if you know any decent number of Riggers you'll see at least one or two of 'em use the alias 'Nitro', and if they know eachother they'll probably wreck eachother fighting over who's biting who. See, you've gotta earn a name as simple and braggy as Nitro, same way you can't call yourself 'Reaper' or 'Apocalypse' if you can't throw a left-hook. Now our Nitro, the guy who's been rigging cars for over twenty years and pretty much calls all the shots in the Metal Corsairs? Yeah, he's earned the right to call himself Nitro.   I say he 'pretty much' calls the shots because Nitro's never been one for being an authority, he's pretty anarchy like that. He likes to think of himself as just making sure everything's going smoothly while the rest of the group do what they want or need, and sees that things don't get out of hand. Guy's pretty chill overall, but you can't ignore that he's all but shouting out his leadership of a smuggling-ring and getting away with it, behind the smile and off-color jokes is one hell of a sharp dude, and he knows it.   With that said, here's a word of advice omae: If Nitro calls you in for a job, expect him and anyone in the room to roast you a little before they get down to business. It ain't nothin' personal, and Nitro's definitely good on his word as far as employers go, it's just their way of cutting the ice and seeing what sorta person you are.
I'm sure that's the excuse he'll give before I punch his head off...
— Ripshot

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Weird thing about Nitro, he's got years of experience under his belt and the cash to show for it, but his actual 'ware is the sort of stuff you'd expect in people starting off: A low-end Control Rig, Cybereyes and a prosthetic hand from that incident in Forestville, but that's about all he's got as far as mods go. Plenty of scars and poorly re-set broken bones on his medical record too, though.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nitro considers himself a 'native' Raleighite, but even he doesn't know where his family's from, on account of being dropped off at an orphange's doorstep at the ripe old age of birth. From the man's own mouth, little Elmer Flores wasn't the most popular kid there because how even then he wasn't great at keeping his mouth shut, which led to him hanging out with people outside the ophanage, the sort of people most would consider the 'wrong crowd'. They didn't like him much either, but they put up with him on account of him being eager enough to please to be willing to take on a favor or two for 'em. It was through these favors that Elmer found out he really liked cars when he got to ride shotgun in what he later found out was a drug-deal, enough that Elmer started getting involved with more criminal stuff just to get a chance to ride again, and hoped in time he'd get a ride of his own.   By the time he was in his teens, he'd graduated from riding shotgun to playing getaway-driver while his friends comitted acts of small-time theft and vandalism, and despite his inexperience behind the wheel he quickjly got a rep for driving pretty damn good, but pretty wrecklessly too. It was only a matter of time until he took a corner too fast and whiped out, not only totalling his friend's car and losing his license but leading the orphanage to grow wise to Elmer's activities, leading them to kick the kid out as soon as the legal opportunity represented it. Fortunately for little Elmer, that same incident put him in the attention of even more illicit elements of the street than some petty vandals, who appreciated Elmer's enthusiasm for the wheel, even if his skills didn't always meet up.   Elmer spent the next few years hopping from couch to couch, earning his soybread (and paying off his pal's car) by fixing up cars for other folk in the underground scenes, changing plates on stolen rides and tricking out rides for whatever the shadows needed at the time. Over time, he built up connections and earned himself bigger responsabilities until once again he was behind someone else's wheel, only this time with enough experience to make it work, and bigger stakes at that: Homeboy was now driving getaway for gangers shooting up rival cribs, stealing nice cars from unsecure lots and eventually branching out to getting fit with Rigging-hardware to take part in criminal shenanigans himself as a part-time Shadowrunner on top of it all, calling himself Nitro.
I rolled with Nitro a couple of times, back in the day. I thought the guy would be chomping at the proverbial bit for an opportunity to put the pedal to the metal, but truth be told, he's just as happy idling in a sedan as he is tearing it up in a racer. He's a safe pick for folk worried about noise, not gonna lie..
— Tahoma
Dude eventually picked up a hell of a rep as a driver, and soon found himself on the other end of his youth, having the younger drek in the racing-scene crowd around him asking if he needed help or wanted to teach them a few tricks of the trade. Nitro knew the struggle of being their age all too well, so despite not wanting to take too much time out from his own passions he ended up paying it forward and started calling a few shots himself, accidentally founding the Metal Corsairs as he tried to figure out how to keep 'em busy so he could enjoy himself behind his own growing collection of rides (and the fake licences he'd picked up for them all).
No lie, he's straight up collecting the licenses, he's got half a binder full of semi-legit licences with his mugshot and someone else's name. His way of extending the middle-finger to the authorities that took his legit licence, or so he says.
— Redhat
Nitro's cooled down a little now in his thirties, and is content in taking more out of his personal time to make sure his gaggle of fume-headed racers isn't causing too much trouble and pitching into helping the repair and modding jobs happening in whatever workshop he's woke up inside, but now he's gone from reluctantly leading the Corsairs to making the most of it all, taking in directionless racers and turning them into an organisation (no emphasis on the 'organised' part) that's making other more legit criminal groups keep an eye out.


Highschool dropout, but claims to have a Master's from the 'School of Hard Knocks', whatever that means.
We really did lose a lot of important knowledge from the Crashes, didn't we?
— Vodka


In all official paperwork that Nitro's had forged, he's listed as a 'Junior Mechanic Intern' in at least three different garages around Raleigh.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Dude's got a rep as being one of the best driver's in Raleigh, and his skills sure as shit live up to it. Dude's clocked more miles and been in more high-speed chases than some go-gangs' entire roster put together, along with an intimate knowledge of just about everything that does and can happen inside a car and the coordination to keep a gaggle of easily distracted street-racers acting in coordination to make a healthy sum of money every day. I'll say this though, dude can throw a punch and take one too but as soon as bullets start flying he's pretty attached to his flight-instinct, and for good reason too: Dude can't shoot the broad side of a troll if it was right infront of him.
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
2046 34 Years old
Brown, prosthetic
Black, Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
199 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Spanish
Connection Rating


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