BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by: Null Kit

  Information is inarguably one of the greatest powers a person can wield, and that fact has only became more apparent through mankind's growing ability to discover, share and withold information through technological means. With a competant enough grasp on this truth, one can even make a lucrative and reliable business simply by knowing the right things and providing this information to the right client for the right price.  
I get the feeling we're gonna start being charged per-minute for using the cache, from where this seems to be goin'...
— Vulcan Gravy
  Quixotic is one of such people, and their talents at illicit dater-brokerage are such that they have been able to quit their previous career of shadowrunning almost entirely (save for retrieving further data when proxies are not availible), and pay for their apparently lavish lifestyle from the comfort of their own apartment. For the garden-variety criminal they have proven to be an exceptionally useful asset, demanding a premium cost for their services but guaranteeing reliable and up-to-date information as a result. And for Deckers and data-gatherers such as myself, Quixotic is also a very fruitful source of income, should you find a piece of paydata that even they haven't came across before. Certainly worth learning their esoteric means of contact, I can assure you personally.   And for the record: Khey-Yoh-Tick.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite legitimate enquiry, neither Quixotic nor their current physician were willing to offer any pertinent information on his health and cyberware. What we do know is that Quixotic posesses a now-out-of-production UO Soothsayer Triplicate-Datajack and some form of reaction-enhancing hardware, and that they adamantly deny utilising any cognition-enhancing 'ware or drugs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A great deal of Quixotic's past and upbringing have, understandably, been obfusicated. Not only that, but even their former teammates from their long, supposedly illustrious career in shadowrunning have all agreed to secrecy for one reason or another, reducing availible sources to third-party heresay and careless comments from the dwarf themself.   What we can deduce with confidence is that Quixotic is not a native Raleighite, and that they spent most of their life and shadowrunning career in the UCAS - Massachusetts, specifically - before moving operations to Raleigh for unknown reasons, speculated to be some form of trouble with other underground elements. Other sources also claim them to have been born in Vermont, but this cannot currently verified.
I have it on record from Quixotic themselves that they're old enough to recall the founding of the Sons of the Alamo. Somehow got to talking about that when I was bartering for transport-schedules...
— Saint-Ain't
As befitting for a data-broker, Quixotic was a Decker of allegedly considerable talent. Former employers willing to speak about Quixotic were consistent in their description of the shadowrunner as a fastidious and reliable matrix-specialist, albeit one that habitually collected paydata unrelated to the task at hand, regardless of if it served to benefit their mission-giver. I have little doubt that this habit not only formed the basis of their current occupation but was also partly to blame for their decision to cross the border into Raleigh.
Quixotic must have came across something of great substance if it necessitated leaving the UCAS entirely. Most 'heat' in the sixth world can be circumvented by burning SINs and going into hiding for several weeks, and would demand formiddable resources and/or connections to render such efforts insufficient. Must study more.
— Exile
Currently, Quixotic lives within one of Raleigh's many apartment-complexes (one with a view, if their commentary on incidents like the Hell-Rain are to be believed) and, after a few more foreys into running, decided to call it quits for 'field work' and retire from shadowrunning, focussing instead on calling in every favor they could for the purpose of constructing a clandestine data-brokerage, procuring and selling paydata from their hidden niches on Raleigh's Local Grid for anyone that could find them. For the right price, of course.
Current matrix-avatar, circa 2078
Date of Birth
Silver, Prosthetic
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unknown, above-average
Known Languages
English, Spanish (possibly Italian?)
Connection Rating


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