Morgan Taylor Voidweaver

In the year 2020, Morgan Taylor, stands as a 47-year-old Catholic priest whose life was irreversibly altered by a devastating event. Once a devoted husband, Morgan's world was shattered when his beloved wife was brutally killed in a vampire attack. This traumatic loss ignited a fierce determination within him, driving him to seek vengeance against the creatures responsible for his anguish.   In his quest for retribution, Morgan encountered the spirit of an Angel, who awakened the latent spark of power within him. This awakening allowed Morgan to see and touch magic, opening a gateway to a new realm of possibilities. With this newfound ability, he joined the order of mages, dedicating himself to mastering the arcane arts. The Angel's intervention was a turning point, providing him with the means to transform his grief and anger into a formidable weapon against the vampires.   As he delved deeper into the world of magic, Morgan became increasingly disillusioned with the mage community's stance towards vampires. He found himself appalled by the uneasy truce that had been established between mages and vampires, viewing it as a betrayal of righteousness and a compromise of their duty to protect humanity. This sense of betrayal solidified his identity as a rebel zealot within the ranks of mages, where he vocally opposed any form of alliance or peace with the undead. He would become known as "Voidweaver".   Fueled by his fervent desire for revenge and justice, Morgan devised a sinister yet effective plan to strike back at the vampires. He created a blood plague, a malicious curse designed to infect vampires who prey on mortals. This plague, a testament to his ingenuity and determination, aimed to weaken and ultimately destroy the vampire population from within, ensuring they could no longer harm innocent lives.   Morgan Taylor's transformation from a grieving husband to a powerful and vengeful mage encapsulates his complex journey. The Angel's awakening of his magical potential, his unwavering opposition to the truce, and his creation of the blood plague all highlight his relentless commitment to avenging his wife's death and protecting humanity. As "Voidweaver," Morgan stands as a formidable force, driven by his tragic past and an unyielding resolve to rid the world of the vampire scourge.   Background and Early Life   Morgan Taylor was born in the historic city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Growing up amidst the ancient cobblestone streets and the towering Edinburgh Castle, he developed a deep connection to his heritage and the rich history of his homeland. As a child, Morgan was fascinated by the tales of old, filled with knights, saints, and supernatural occurrences, which perhaps unknowingly prepared him for the extraordinary path his life would eventually take.   Personal Life and Career   Morgan's early life was marked by a strong sense of faith and community. He entered the priesthood at a young age, driven by a desire to help others and make a difference in the world. His compassion and dedication led him to become a well-respected figure within his parish. He married his childhood sweetheart, a woman whose kindness and unwavering support were his anchor. Together, they shared a peaceful life until the tragic vampire attack that took her from him.   Tattoo and Symbolism   Before his transformation, Morgan had a single tattoo of significant meaning—a small, intricate cross on his left shoulder, symbolizing his faith and devotion. As he delved deeper into the world of magic, he expanded this tattoo, incorporating runes, symbols, and intricate designs that covered most of his upper body. Each addition to the tattoo represented a spell learned, a battle fought, or a vow taken, turning his skin into a living testament of his journey and the power he wielded. The evolving tattoo became both a source of strength and a reminder of his mission, intertwining his past, faith, and magical prowess.   Physical Description  
  • Height: Approximately 6 feet (183 cm)
  • Build: Lean and muscular, a testament to his rigorous training and the physical demands of his magical practices.
  • Skin Tone: Fair, typical of his Scottish heritage, though marked by the intricate tattoos that cover much of his upper body.
  • Hair: Dark brown, with strands of gray beginning to show, cut short and neatly maintained.
  • Eyes: A striking icy blue, often described as piercing and intense, hinting at the depth of his experiences and the power he wields.
  • Facial Features: Chiseled and angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. His face bears the lines and creases of age, along with a few scars from past battles.
  • Tattoos: Originally, Morgan had a small, intricate cross on his left shoulder. Over time, as he learned more about magic, he expanded this tattoo to cover most of his upper body. The tattoos are a complex web of runes, symbols, and magical sigils, each representing a spell, vow, or significant event in his life. The tattoos are primarily black, but some symbols are highlighted in dark red or deep blue, adding to their mystic appearance.
  • Clothing: Morgan typically wears a blend of traditional priestly attire and practical, battle-ready clothing. He often dons a black clerical shirt with a Roman collar, paired with durable trousers and sturdy boots. When expecting confrontation, he wears a long, dark cloak that provides both protection and concealment for his arsenal of magical tools and weapons.
  • Demeanor: Morgan's demeanor is serious and focused, with an air of quiet authority. His movements are deliberate and measured, reflecting both his priestly discipline and his magical training. Despite his stern exterior, there is a deep well of emotion within him, particularly when it comes to the memory of his wife and his unyielding quest for vengeance against vampires.
  • Scarlett Dawn

      The Scarlet Dawn is a clandestine organization within the mage community, founded and led by Morgan Taylor, also known as "Voidweaver." This group of rebel mages shares Morgan's fervent belief that vampires are a fundamental threat to humanity and must be eradicated. Comprised of dedicated followers who have also experienced the horrors inflicted by vampires, the Scarlet Dawn operates with a singular purpose: to oppose and destroy the vampire menace.  

    Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI
    Character Portrait image: Morgan Taylor Voidweaver by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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