
An Archon is a high-ranking agent or enforcer who serves under a Justicar. They are handpicked by their sponsoring Justicar for their loyalty, competence, and ability to handle sensitive and important tasks. They act as the eyes, ears, and hands of the Justicars, traveling and investigating issues on their behalf. Their duties may include enforcing the laws and traditions of the Camarilla, settling disputes, investigating breaches of the Masquerade, or carrying out other special missions.

While Archons carry significant authority and can command respect from other vampires within the Camarilla, they are also held to a high standard of conduct. Their actions are seen as an extension of the Justicar they serve, and they must navigate the complex political landscape of the Camarilla with care and discretion. They play a key role in maintaining order, enforcing the laws, and executing the will of the higher echelons of the sect.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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