
Conclaves are a special and relatively rare gathering within the Camarilla. A Conclave is called to address matters of great importance or urgency that affect the entire sect or a significant portion of it. Issues that might prompt a Conclave include major breaches of the Masquerade, disputes between powerful vampires, or significant threats from outside the sect. Conclaves can be called by high-ranking members of the Camarilla, such as Justicars or the Inner Circle, and attendance may be mandatory for certain members, depending on the issue at hand. During a Conclave, traditions and formalities are observed, and decisions are typically made through discussion, negotiation, and voting.

The decisions made during a Conclave carry significant weight and are considered binding across the Camarilla. They can set precedents, change policies, or even lead to the punishment or destruction of individual vampires. It's a practice that emphasizes the Camarilla's values of hierarchy, unity, and adherence to ancient laws, and the outcomes of a Conclave can have far-reaching consequences for vampires within the sect.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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