Great Conclave

The Great Conclave is a particularly significant meeting held by the Inner Circle once every 13 years.  It is convened to address the most crucial and pressing matters that affect the entire organization. Decisions made by the Inner Circle have a profound impact on the sect as a whole. During a Great Conclave, the Inner Circle may decide on sweeping changes to Camarilla law, how best to respond to existential threats, or how to settle disputes that have far-reaching implications. The decisions made during the Great Conclave are binding for all members of the Camarilla and often shape the direction and policies of the sect for years or even decades to come. They also appoint any new Justicars, is necessary.

Given its importance, the Great Conclave is steeped in ritual and tradition, and its proceedings are conducted with the utmost secrecy and formality. Its decisions have the power to reshape the sect, and it embodies the Camarilla's values of hierarchy, tradition, and collective governance.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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