
They are not a fully organic clan deriving from a single Antediluvian and an uninterrupted bloodline, but are made up of the Giovanni and the remnants of the old Clan Cappadocian and their related bloodlines, as well as the Nagaraja, despite a lack of connection with Antediluvian. Together, they represent a new, (mostly) unified Clan of Death comprising Kindred bloodlines who practice necromancy through the use of Oblivion. Much like the Giovanni that it almost entirely subsumes, it is also a family, albeit a much more extended one.

With the Banu Haqim joining the Camarilla and the Ministry joining the Anarchs, the Hecata are the last independent clan of significance in contemporary nights.


We will weather the fires of the Second Inquisition. We come together as the last truly independent clan, because we must. The Feast, The Promise, The Reunion. Death, Rot, Rebirth. The Three Faces. We survived and now we become what we always were. The Hecata. The Clan of Death.
— Amr Salib, Hecata childe of an unknown Cappadocian

The brief history of Clan Hecata is one of necessity as first principle. The Second Inquisition was one associated factor, taking a heavy toll on Clan Giovanni in North America and forcing much of the clan organization there to regroup back in Italy. Another factor was that the Promise of 1528 was rumored to be coming to an end soon after an unspecified 500-year time limit.

Two other significant events occurred at or around this time: first, the death or disappearance of Augustus Giovanni, founder and patriarch of the Giovanni; and a devastating assault by the Harbingers of Skulls on the clan's holdings in Venice, undertaken with the assistance of some younger members of the Giovanni.

Between the damage of the Harbingers' attack and the maelstrom of wraiths unleashed by Augustus's undoing, the Giovanni called for negotiations in a conference that came to be known as the Family Reunion. The Harbingers agreed, and not only did they show up, but also the Samedi, any remaining Cappadocians, the Lamia, and even a handful of Nagaraja seeking refuge from a "catastrophe." The parties negotiated an end to the hostilities, and the clan known as the Hecata soon came into fruition.

Founding Date
2018 CE
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Clan of Death
The Family

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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